Chapter 8 - Encounters

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Eileen and Tilly tended Draven, Brendan, and Oliver after they woke to the infants' pitiful whimperings.

Albus followed his grandmother and friend while they bustled around the nurseries and readied the Snape babies for the day.

In Severus and Lily's bedroom, the couple clutched onto each other more tightly as they listened to the expectant cries of their little ones quiet down.

Severus clutched Lily's full, warm breasts in his hands while he selfishly fantasized about draining her milk himself until she sighed happily as he massaged her tender mounds.

"Your pups will want to nurse soon, Sev." Lily whispered as Severus moved forward and pressed a very sharp, possessive kiss over the sensitive spot at the base of her throat.

Lily moaned softly and Severus pulled back to run his tongue gently along the fading redness of his gentle bite.

He was delightfully disappointed in himself.

Severus Snape was a man who usually could wield impeccable control in regards to his feelings and impulses.

Lily was the only one who could break him down and when that happened, his breaking was without fail....catastrophic.

Severus had spent Lily's entire heat at her side, in her nest, and inside of her.

He had left only when it was necessary to teach classes at Hogwarts.

At every given chance Severus had received, including during meal times in the Great Hall, he was there with his flower, morning, noon, and night.

Lily's cycle had nearly come to an end.

Her skin wasn't as heated, the flush had started to vanish from her cheeks, and her unignorable, primitive desires to couple with Severus were starting to decrease.

Severus hated to admit, as much as he enjoyed pleasing his omega, a part of him was glad that Lily's heat had begun to taper off.

It was exhausting for an alpha to care for an omega in their most vulnerable state.

For nearly a week, Severus had slept no longer than two hours at a time before Lily would wake him with a whine and pull him over top of her.

They'd mate, Severus would fall back asleep, and two hours or less later, Lily would be begging for him again.

The previous night, she had only woken him once, and as Severus kissed her lips gently that morning, he felt a rush of bittersweet relief.

Although her schedule had been far from convenient, Lily was his omega, and his omega wanted him......that was the best feeling in the world to Severus.

"Sev?" Lily asked as they cuddled together and looked at the bright sunlight that peeked through the drawn curtains on the window.

".......Yes, my love?" Severus replied in a purr that sounded more husky than he had intended.

Lily's heat hadn't completely needed yet, and neither had his response to her intoxicating pheromones.

"Do you you think that the potion worked?" Lily asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I suppose we'll find out soon~." Severus replied as he let one of his hands idly drift over Lily's flat belly.

Although they had mated furiously, Severus had kept enough of his wits to give Lily a dose of contraceptive potion each day of her cycle.

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