Chapter 5 - Winter Wishes

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On a snowy morning during the winter holidays, Severus woke and watched the fluffy flurries fall outside of the frosty window pane.

If Lily hadn't been lying on his shoulder, he would have shivered from the chill.

He murmured a single word and lit the fireplace in their bedroom before he heard a gentle coo warningly echo from down the hallway.

Albus had been up for most of the night with a bad cough.

Lily and Severus had stayed loyally beside him the entire time.

While Lily tended to their ill son, Severus had brewed some Healing Draught with Tilly's kind assistance, but the potion hadn't been ready until shortly before dawn.

Soon after Albus had swallowed the medicine that his father had given him, he had finally been able to sleep.

Harriet and the babies had rested throughout the night, blissfully unaware of their brother's ordeal, but Severus and Lily were exhausted.

It made matters worse that the morning sunrise brought with it Christmas Day.

Severus yawned and rubbed the sleep out of his dark eyes while he wondered whether or not he should take a sip of Energy Elixir.

When Severus heard his youngest little pup start to whine, he ignored his own weariness and gently kissed Lily's forehead before he deftly slid her off of his chest without disturbing her sleep.

He silently rose from the bed and padded down the hallway until he came to Oliver's nursery.

Severus stepped in the room, scooped the baby boy up into his arms, and cradled his infant close while Oliver nuzzled against his chest and whimpered impatiently.

Lily's eyelids fluttered as Severus returned to their room a moment later with their whining baby and she asked quietly, ".........Sev?"

"Go back to sleep, my love." Severus sighed as his head throbbed from sleep deprivation, "I have him."

Lily smiled softly as she felt Severus crawl into bed behind her and position her upright so that her back laid against his chest.

Severus used his skilled fingers to carefully pull down his wife's nightgown.

Although Lily flinched when the cold air of the chilly morning struck her bare breasts, a soft smile danced across her lips as she felt her baby eagerly take her nipple into his tiny mouth.

Oliver's pitiful cries quickly quieted into happy, snuffling grunts while Lily slowly drifted back to sleep, soothed by her baby's gentle suckling and Severus's calming scent.

Most alphas were largely uninvolved with the feeding process of their pups, but Severus Snape was not like most alphas.

Severus's dark eyes softened as he stared down at his sleeping lover while he held their baby to her breast.

Sleep deprived or not, Severus was happy to do anything that he could to help his beloved Lily.


By the time that Lily woke, the twins cried to signal their readiness for breakfast as well.

Severus left the bedroom once more to bring Draven and Brendan to their mother and let her nurse them both while he held little Oliver.

Down the hallway, in the two rooms closest to the stairs, Albus slept on as his small body recovered from the ailment that had robbed him of rest, but Harriet was already out of bed.

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