Chapter 32 - Happy Family

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

A year passed by alarmingly quickly for the Snape-Malfoy family.

On the youngest children's birthday, everyone gathered at Malfoy Manor for a grand celebration in honor of little Severus and Abigail's first year of life.

Both babies were happy and healthy, full of smiles, and eager to laugh as all of the partygoers fussed over them.

Lily and Narcissa had baked small cupcakes for each child to hold, which they somewhat clumsily managed to do after their fathers carefully attempted to instruct them.

Severus's namesake blinked at him while he and his infant aunt sloppily crammed their treats into their tiny mouths.

Behind the eldest Severus, the rest of the family looked on with amused giggles and happy smiles.

Severus sighed, but as he gently wiped both children's faces and hands once they had finished, he felt a profound sense of satisfaction.

Regardless, it still struck him as a bit odd to know that his youngest daughter and first grandchild were exactly the same age.


Later that night, after the party had ended and everyone had retired, Harriet paced the floor of the bedchamber she shared with Draco while her small son clung to her breast.

"Is he still hungry?" Draco asked as he stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in his night robe.

"Not particularly." Harriet shook her head as she stared down into her little one's large, black eyes, "He just wants his Mummy, that's all."

"What are you going to do with him when you start training next month?" Draco asked as he untied his robe, let it drop to the floor, and changed into his pajamas.

"The Auror programme has allowances for mothers." Harriet mentioned quietly as her emerald eyes roamed over the brief glimpse she caught of her alpha's nude body.

"I told you I can bring him to work with me, if you can wean him in time." Draco shrugged, "When your father owns the company, you can do whatever you like."

As he sat down on the edge of the bed, Harriet joined him while their son let go of her nipple and squished his little face into the soft cushion of her breasts.

"Perhaps one day....." Harriet said in a dreamy voice while she watched their baby snuggle against her and drift off to sleep.

"I love you, Harriet." Draco whispered.

Harriet glanced up to meet her alpha's grey gaze.

"I love you too, Draco." She smiled softly.

Their eyes closed as their lips met.

Finally, Draco Malfoy had gained what he had wanted most in the world, a lovely family with his darling Harriet.


After Albus, Draven, Brendan, and Oliver had all been tucked into their beds, Lily stood in the doorway of Abigail's nursery.

She smiled softly as she watched Severus soothe their little girl to sleep while he cuddled her close in the rocking chair.

His low voice sounded like the gentle purr of a content cat as he cradled his youngest pup in one arm and used his other hand to hold the book he read from, "After joining the rabbit at the stone cottage by the river, the princess leapt into the water and found her dress restored in all of its beauty......She walked from the village to the castle to present herself in front of the royal court. Upon her arrival, her parents recognized her at once and immediately welcomed her home."

Severus glanced down at the infant in his grasp before he turned the page.

He closed the book and gently placed it on the nearby nightstand after he noticed his daughter had fallen asleep.

In one smooth motion, Severus rose from the rocking chair and slowly walked over to lay Abigail in her cot as Lily quietly came to stand beside him.

"Look how precious, Sev." Lily whispered as they stared down at their baby while Severus wrapped his arms around his wife.

"She's as beautiful as her mother........her sister is as well." He drawled in a voice barely above a whisper.

Lily turned and kissed her husband's lips before they silently left Abigail's room, padded down the hallway, and quietly closed their door.

Their lovemaking was gentle and meaningful that evening as they held each other close and melted in one another's arms.

Severus clutched Lily against him while they lay in her nest after the carnal flames of their passion had cooled for the night.

"I love you, Severus." Lily whispered as she leaned in for one last kiss.

"And I love you, my darling Lily." Severus whispered in his decadent voice.

As their lips met in an expression of true, unconditional love, Severus felt his heart glow in delight from the joy his mate had given him.

Professor Snape's world had become bright, light, and full of meaning because of the bond he had shared with his beloved Lily.


Thank you so much for reading and following this work! I really appreciate all of your kindness and support! I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it! I do have a new Snily story that I'll be posting today! If it interests you at all, I hope you'll consider checking it out! Thanks again!

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