Chapter 13 - Cunning and Ambition

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Lily's nails nearly scraped the paint off as her fingers raked across the wall.

Severus was usually a gentle, tender lover but that night he had been deliciously possessive and wickedly punishing.

Lily groaned at the way he nibbled on her collarbone and tightened his grip on her hair while he pounded into her from behind.

"You're love, all mine." Severus growled in her ear.

Lily whimpered as his velvet voice sent shivers straight down her spine, all the way into her aching center that greedily swallowed his manhood.

".........Yours." Lily panted in reply as Severus snaked a hand around her middle to find the sensitive outer bits of her womanhood.

While the children and Tilly slept, blissfully unaware, Severus and Lily made full use of the silencing charm that he had cast earlier while they crashed over their blissful peak together.

It only heightened Lily's pleasure when she felt her husband empty himself inside of her in a euphoric haze.

Lily hadn't thought anything about it, the Hogwarts staff dinner that they had attended that evening.

She had sat loyally at Professor Snape's side, his charming, beautiful, polite wife.

Lily had thought that Gilderoy Lockhart had approached her with the same smile and kind words that he used on everyone.

Severus had not shared her feelings, especially when his wife and his most hated colleague had shared a laugh together.

Severus had clenched his fork in his fist as he watched Gilderoy Lockhart display the audacity of laying a hand on his wife's shoulder while they jested.

The touch lasted only a second or two, but that brief amount of time had been enough to send murderous thoughts rippling through Severus's mind.

He had sat with a scowl on his face for the rest of the meal, forced out of social politeness to watch his arrogant enemy openly attempt to charm his mate.

Lily had held Severus's hand under the table for the duration of the event, but that had done little to assuage her alpha's injured pride.

As soon as they had put their children to bed, Severus had attacked his mate, much to her enjoyment.

The moon sat high amidst the twinkling stars as Lily slumped against the wall while Severus lifted her into his strong arms and carried her back to their bed.

"Sev........" Lily whispered as she wove her fingers into his dark hair while he gently sat her down on top of the covers.

When he glanced at her, the feral look in his black eyes sent an unwelcome gush of arousal surging from Lily's center.

She had only seen her stoic lover that wild on a handful of occasions.

Lily felt almost ashamed of how much it thrilled her when Severus showed her such devoted dominance.

Omegas enjoyed strong alphas.

"I love you, Sev." Lily reassured him with a gentle smile as she took her hands out of Severus's hair to cup his face, "Only don't have to worry, sweetheart."

"............Does everyone know that?" Severus asked in a dangerously low purr as he crawled over Lily and placed harsh kisses on her skin.

Lily gasped as he nipped at her navel, nuzzled along the scars that his children had left on her body, and nudged his hooked nose into the undersides of her dense breasts.

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