Chapter 4 - A Night at Hogwarts

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The following evening, Harriet walked down the stone corridor with a frown on her face as she prepared to complete her detention sentence.

Her frown twisted into a scowl when she rounded a corner and found herself joined by Draco, who walked in the same direction.

"Alright, Snape?" Draco asked with a sneer.

"Shove off, Malfoy." Harriet snapped.

"That's no way to talk to your rescuer! I saved your life, you know." Draco smirked arrogantly.

"Thanks." Harriet curtly replied.

Draco grimaced at her as they arrived outside the assigned door.

Draco pushed it open and he stepped inside the room with Harriet beside him.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were already there waiting, as the heads of Gryffindor and Slytherin, to give Harriet and Draco their assignment for the evening.

"Miss Snape, Mr. Malfoy." McGonagall greeted Harriet and Draco with a nod.

"Good evening Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape!" Draco chirped with the most debonair smile that he could manage.

Harriet adjusted her classes as she greeted the adults quietly with a small nod, "Professor McGonagall, Dad."

Professor Snape stood by silently as Professor McGonagall looked at Draco and Harriet while she spoke, "Due to the recent increase in demand, the evening jasmine that grows along the outer edge of the Forbidden Forest must be harvested in large quantities. That duty is usually performed by Hagrid, our gamekeeper, but tonight, you two will accompany him. It is not a dangerous task, however, you'll find that it is quite tedious."

"B-But, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall!" Draco stammered as he looked back and forth between his teachers in disbelief, "The Forbidden Forest is off limits to students!"

"Not if you have an escort, Mr. Malfoy. You two will be perfectly safe with Hagrid." Professor McGonagall nodded.

"Not to mention that we'll be watching......." Severus added warningly as he narrowed his eyes at his daughter and Draco.

Harriet's frown remained on her lips.

Draco heaved a heavy sigh to hide his true feelings.

He couldn't let anyone in the room see how thrilled he was that he was going to spend the entire evening beside Harriet!


An hour later, Draco and Harriet walked towards the Forbidden Forest next to Hagrid and his loyal boarhound, Fang.

Harriet and Hagrid chatted amiably while Draco scowled and trudged beside them as he held a lantern in his hand.

It was no secret that Harriet Snape and her two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, got along well with Hogwarts' gamekeeper, but Draco couldn't say the same for himself.

Lucius Malfoy thought of Hagrid as an oversized, bumbling oaf and he had instilled that negative belief in his son.

Besides, it really didn't matter who was happily engaged in conversation with Harriet, Draco would be envious if anyone but himself enjoyed that privilege.

Earlier that evening, he had tried his best to initiate a chat with her in the hallway while they had walked to detention together.

Draco pouted as he thought.

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