Chapter 6 - Potions and Letters

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As the cold winter slowly faded, the coming spring began to melt the snow and warm the village of Hogsmeade, bringing with it the promise of new life.

That promise extended to the Snape household and early one morning, Severus found himself stirring a bubbling cauldron before he headed to Hogwarts for the day.

The contraceptive potion that he brewed was gentle, soothing, and its fumes were harmless, which was convenient since he had his littlest ones in his care.

Draven and Brendan were playing together in their enchanted pen on the floor.

Oliver was nestled safely in his mobile bassinet and Albus was hard at work while he finished his art project.

He scowled down at the paper in his small hands and held his mouth a certain way to ensure that his coloring would be accurate.

Severus's dark eyes softened as he glanced over at his little pups.

He was grateful for the distraction.

Lily had selfishly consumed his thoughts during the past week.

When her scent had changed suddenly, they had both become suspicious.

However, it was when she started doubling her food intake and complaining of sore breasts that they both understood the inevitable.

Lily was preparing to go into heat again.

Necessity drowned their dreams and squelched the romantic notions that young lovers may have entertained.

The Snapes couldn't afford another child.

Besides, Lily's body was exhausted after she had birthed three sons and endured two pregnancies within the last two years.

Severus had made thoughtful, anguishing arrangements for the days that were to come.

His mother had agreed to visit so that she could help Tilly tend Lily and the children.

During Lily's heat, Severus had decided that he would temporarily move into his rooms at Hogwarts, that was the safest way to stop his wife's pheromones from tempting him to lose control and glut himself on his needy mate in her most vulnerable moments.

Severus had prepared the contraceptive potion for Lily in case they somehow managed to find each other and to ease the discomfort that her heat would surely cause her.

Her heat............

Severus frowned when he thought of his wife and imagined her writhing for hours in her nest as she longed for him.

It twisted Severus's heart that they'd have to spend Lily's cycle separated from one another.

He and his darling flower hadn't been apart for a single night since they had mated after their graduation from Hogwarts.

When Draven let out a happy squeal, Severus turned his head to glance over at his sons.

He gazed at them for a contemplative moment before he ladled a single dose of the potion into a small, glass vial.

It couldn't be helped, for the good of their family, Severus and Lily would have to make the hard choice.

"Come along, let's visit your mother." Severus told Albus quietly as he walked past his little boy and laid a hand on his tiny shoulder.

By the time that Severus had safely carried all three of his babies up to their mother, Albus had finished his art project and followed his father up the stairs.

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