Chapter 27 - Twice the Joy

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

"Take a sip, my love......A single sip should suffice."

Severus's low whisper purred in Lily's ear as she crouched over the toilet with a wary hand across her chest.

As she fought back the urge to vomit, she turned her head to place her lips on the vial that Severus offered her.

Carefully, Lily took a very small drink of the Anti-Nausea Potion her husband had lovingly brewed for her comfort.

Her stomach revolted as soon as she swallowed.

Lily groaned and leaned forward while Severus frowned as he thoughtfully held her hair back.

They both waited as a tense, anxious moment passed until Lily sighed and sat on her bottom while she turned to look at Severus.

"Sev," She sighed gratefully as she pressed a hand to her clammy face, "What would I do without you?"

Severus pushed aside his wife's praise as concern permeated his thoughts.

"Is the feeling lessening at all?" He asked with a frown.

"Oh, the nausea is already much better." Lily nodded as she glanced at the wall for a moment before she looked at her alpha again, "Much better, indeed! Thank you so much, love! Let's get out of here if we can though, please?"

Severus wordlessly helped Lily stand before he led her out of the bathroom and back to their bedchamber.

"You should lie down for a bit." Severus suggested, "This started before dawn. It's Saturday, I can look after the boys."

"Alright." Lily nodded.

Severus knew that his wife wasn't usually one to readily agree to a mid morning nap.

It pained him to know how exhausted Lily's condition had made her.

He helped his darling back to her nest, tucked her in, and crawled next to her as he pulled her into his arms.

"What about the boys, Sev?" Lily asked as she yawned and cuddled against her husband.

"They won't be up for another hour." Severus reasoned in a low drawl that rumbled from his chest, "I have no intention of leaving your side until their needs outweigh yours, my love."

Lily smiled softly as she rested a hand over Severus's heart and closed her eyes.

The morning had been draining, but Lily knew it would all be worth it in the end.

As she lay there, she felt her alpha splay his fingers over what they could reach of her flat abdomen, eager to cradle their unborn child.

Lily's smile widened as she remembered her previous pregnancies.

She knew how loving and kind her husband would be during the next months, not that Severus treated her with any less devotion when there wasn't a pup on the way.

Mrs. Snape pitied every other pregnant omega in the world.

She felt sorry for the women who would never know what it was like to have a mate as attentive and devoted as Severus.


Professor Snape stalked through the hallways of Hogwarts with his shoulders thrown back and his chin held high after he learned that his wife had conceived again.

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