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Jake groaned sleepily and moved to his right to hug Edlyn but realised that there was another person on the bed. He opened his eyes and immediately sat up, seeing his wife facing away and hugging her best friend, Daera who was sleeping next to her.

"When did she–how did she–Why?" He asked himself. He sighed and placed the blanket properly on his wife before leaving the room. He went to his daughter, Jiah's room to check if she was still asleep.

He chuckled when he saw their dog, Layla sleeping next to Jiah. He went to the kitchen and put on his apron before turning on the stove.

"Honey!" Edlyn called from behind. He turned around and smiled, "Good morning."

"You must have been shocked about Daera sleeping with us. Her flight was delayed so she ended up arriving at the Incheon Airport at midnight. I picked her up and sneaked her into the room."

"That's why I woke up and realised there's another body on the bed," he frowned. She laughed and gave him a back hug, "Come on! I haven't seen her for 4 years! Just one sleepover wouldn't hurt, right?"

He nodded and leaned in to kiss her but stopped when Daera cleared her throat out of the blue. Jiah was holding her hand and looked away shyly. "You have a child in front of you," she frowned before taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Make sure to eat a lot since you're going to work for the first time. The first day at work is always the hardest," he said, his back facing her.

She got off the stool, "Edlyn, can I borrow your clothes?"

"Sure," the wife said before leading her to the master bedroom. They both went into the walk-in closet and began searching for the perfect outfit.

Edlyn smiled and gave her a floral top, "Here. I don't really wear it. You can have it."

She sighed, "Of course you don't because it's in my size. And it's the top that I've been eyeing for the past 2 years. Edlyn, you know how I hate you giving me expensive things."

"Okay, just consider it as your past birthday gift that I didn't get to give you. Please? I know you're not used to these expensive things but just consider it as a gift from your wonderful best friend."

Daera stared at the brand tag with guilt. Edlyn frowned, "Quit staring! Go try it!"

After a few minutes of putting on the floral top, Daera stared at herself in the mirror. Edlyn stood behind her, "It does match you a lot. Now pair it with this handbag," she handed her an expensive handbag from a famous brand.

"Edlyn! No!"

"Come on, just consider this as your "welcome back" gift," Edlyn whined.

"Okay, I need to stop being friends with rich people."


"Edlyn, I'm already a neurosurgeon. I don't need people to buy me expensive gifts. I can probably afford them already. And you don't have to buy me gifts to prove that you're still my friend."

"I mean, I'm just so excited that it's your first day working with me at the Park Specialist Hospital. I promise this will be the last time I buy you gifts."

Daera glared at her, "You promised."

Jake parked the car in the parking lot. Daera and Edlyn got out of the car at the same time, both already in their doctor's coats. "Are you okay on your own? You're not in the same internship team as me," Edlyn asked worriedly.

"I'm going to be fine. Your husband put your name under his team. You should be mad at him," Daera glared at Jake.

"Hey, I have the right to stay with my wife," he argued back.

Daera went into the third operating room and saw a patient already unconsciously lying on the surgical table. She greeted the other interns before putting on her mask and gloves.

They all waited for the senior neurosurgeon to come and guide them. The door opened and they all bowed to the neurosurgeon. Her eyes widened when she saw Sunghoon putting on his gloves and mask.


He's going to guide me?!

"As you all can see, this patient is diagnosed with a brain tumour," he started the briefing.

She looked away to avoid making eye contact and lowered her gaze.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Why do I feel like Jake did this on purpose? Maybe he doesn't even know? Ugh, he gets on my nerves a lot!

"Hey, you! Is there something wrong?" Sunghoon called her out of the blue. She lifted her head and gulped nervously, "No, doctor."

"If you're going to act like this and be all clumsy, you may leave," he said sternly. Only God knows how much she thanked Him for not making Sunghoon recognise her behind the mask.

The surgery started and she nervously grabbed the clamps and stood next to a male intern but gasped in surprise when she realised she accidentally stood next to Sunghoon.

She was about to move away but he suddenly called her, "Give me the clamps."

Her hand trembled as she handed him the tool.

Wait, why are you so nervous? He probably has a girlfriend now. And you moved on, right? If you already have, you shouldn't even be nervous around him. Just act normal.

She took a deep breath and glanced at the monitor, seeing that the heart rate was getting lower.

"Doctor, the heart rate is getting lower!"

"Hurry up!" Sunghoon said worriedly.

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