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Jay parked his car in front of a house near the beach. Daera immediately got out of the car and sprinted to the gates of the house. She rang the doorbell and waited for one of her parents to open the door.

Jay chuckled softly and went to the back of the car to get the bags. The gate opened and Mrs Kang gasped excitedly, "Daera! Is that you?!"

"Yes, mom!" She answered happily and they both hugged each other, jumping around. Jay approached them and bowed, "Nice to see you again, Mrs Kang."

"Oh my, look at you Jay. You look so handsome and tall now. The last time I saw you was when you were 22 years old?"

"I'm 30 now," he said, making Mrs Kang's eyes widen in surprise, "You're 30 already?! You look so young! And Daera is turning 30 in 4 years. Oh my."

They all walked in and Daera immediately sprinted to hug her dad who was watching tv. Mr Kang flinched in surprise, "Is that you, sweetheart?"

She nodded, "Dad, how are you feeling? How's your brain tumour?"

"He faints sometimes at the restaurant. He sleeps a lot too. I always tell him to rest but he keeps wanting to help me at the restaurant," Mrs Kang nagged. Jay chuckled before sitting across from him.

"Come to Seoul next time, Mr Kang. I'll be sure to give you checkups and make sure your health is okay," he suggested. Daera was about to refuse but her father beat her to it, "Really? Well then, Daera must bring me there when she's free."

Since her father was okay, she nodded and smiled. She got up and was about to open the door to her bedroom until a damped hair Sunghoon came out, drying his hair with a towel.

Her eyes widened and she accidentally smack him in the face, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Language!" Mrs Kang shouted from the kitchen.

Jay rushed to them, "Sunghoon, are you okay?"

Sunghoon was rubbing his nose in pain. It was turning red due to the hard smack that he received. Daera approached her father, looking at him with startled eyes, "Since when–why is he–just why?"

She couldn't mutter any words. "He came here to eat at our family's restaurant. But it was getting late and he didn't have a place to stay so we let him stay here for a few days. You don't mind right, Daera? He's your favourite professor after all," Mr Kang explained.

Sunghoon folded his arms and smirked, "I'm your favourite professor," he put the towel behind his neck. She turned around to glare at him before facing her father again, "Where am I sleeping?"

"Forgot about that. Our house is quite small. We can't let the guests sleep in the living room, right?" The father answered, thinking for a while.

"Daera can sleep in the same room with us. Jay and I can sleep on the floor and she can take the bed," Sunghoon suggested, amused with her death stare. Mrs Kang's eyes lit up, "That's a great idea! Problem solved. Now you guys go change while I make dinner."

Daera groaned frustratedly and stormed into the room, followed by Jay and Sunghoon from behind. She looked at them confusedly, "Why are you guys here? Are you going to watch me change or?"

"Can I?" Sunghoon smirked again but got his head smacked by Jay. Jay pulled his friend's arm as he led him out of the room.

She sighed tiredly, "Please just for once, keep it in your pants."

Jay watched as Mrs Kang served dinner on the dining table with his puppy eyes. Sunghoon who was sitting next to him gulped hungrily, eyeing the spicy kimchi stew. Daera sat across from them and furrowed her eyebrows, "Mom, are we eating only seafood tonight?"

"Of course not. I know you don't like seafood that much so I made spicy grilled beef just in case," the mother answered as she sat next to her.

Mr Kang smiled, "Help yourself out, boys."

Sunghoon and Jay bowed at him before eating their food. Jay saw Daera eating only the beef and looked at her confusedly, "You don't like seafood?"

"Our daughter is a very picky eater. She doesn't like raisins, pineapples, she could eat seafood but it depends on her mood," Mrs Kang explained as she munched her rice. Sunghoon scoffed, "That explains why she refuses to eat the vanilla raisins ice cream I bought for her."

She glared at the surgeon, "You know I hate raisins. You just bought that thing to provoke me."

"Now, now. Don't argue," Mr Kang said, looking at them. Daera rolled her eyes, asking herself why she sat in front of the annoying surgeon. She would rather sit in a room with only Sorin and Hojun than be near Sunghoon.

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