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Daera, Sunghoon and Jay gasped in awe, seeing all the neighbours gathered at her house yard. Mr Kang was laughing with Mr Yoon as they drank their beers. Mrs Kang was busy serving food to Mrs Hong and Grandma Song.

"Daera-yah! I haven't seen you for a long time! Come here! Come!" Grandma Hwang motioned happily.

She chuckled awkwardly and approached her mother slowly before whispering, "What party are we having?"

"I don't know. They decided to come to celebrate your stay here after a few years of being in America."

Daera looked around and saw the guests already asking Jay and Sunghoon numerous questions. "I think that's an excuse to see Jay and Sunghoon," she scoffed.

She went to sit between the two male surgeons and laughed with the grandmas that were having fun talking to them. She fed herself some spicy squid but choked on it when she saw a familiar male figure.

Kim Sunoo.

She blushed and smacked Sunghoon's arm continuously, "Oh my, oh my, oh my," she mumbled excitedly.

He glared at her before pushing her hand away but failed. He turned to look at what she was seeing and scoffed, seeing a man, younger than him smiling at the guests there.

Grandma Kim noticed and smiled, "Daera, you remember my grandson, Sunoo, right?"

She nodded and watched as Sunoo took a seat next to his grandmother, across from her. "Wow, Daera. Is that you?" He said in awe. He gave her a bright smile and she felt her heart was shot with an arrow.

"Yeah, I just got back from America," she chuckled nervously. She tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, earning a scoff from both Jay and Sunghoon. The two men glared at Sunoo, eyeing him up and down.

Daera elbowed Sunghoon's arm before gritting her teeth, "You're scaring him. Stop it," she forced a smile. He sneered and fed himself some rice.

"Last time I saw you, you were friends with Edlyn and you wouldn't go anywhere without her. Are you still friends with her?" Sunoo asked.

She nodded, "Yeah. We're still close. This is her older brother by the way," she pulled Jay's hand to make him shake Sunoo's.

Jay faked a smile and looked away. Sunoo leaned forward, "How old are you?"

"Thirty," Jay muttered, feeding himself some dried squid. "Oh, then he's a year older than me," Sunoo smiled. Daera blushed and laughed nervously.

"You haven't changed. You're still beautiful like the last time I saw you," Sunoo complimented. She choked on her food in surprise. Sunghoon immediately handed her a glass of water. She drank it before swallowing her food, "You're still handsome as always."

"Oppa," she called, making the two male surgeons widen their eyes in shock.

They both were four years older than her but she never calls them "Oppa". Sunoo laughed, "You still call me that? I haven't heard that word for years already since I'm the youngest at my workplace."

Sunghoon scoffed, earning a death stare from her. She leaned forward to whisper, "Yah, what is wrong with you?"

"Oppa," he mocked quietly to let her hear. She scoffed and was about to elbow him but Jay cleared his throat, signalling them not to fight.

Mrs Hong eyed the surgeons and Sunoo from afar, sitting next to Mr Yoon and Mrs Kang. "Look at those three," she said.

Mr Yoon sighed, "What's wrong?"

"There's something fishy about those three."

Mrs Kang exhaled tiredly, "What else? Are you going to say they're in a relationship or something?"

"Exactly like that but at the same time, no."

Mr Yoon stared at Sunghoon, Daera and Jay for a while, "I can't see anything wrong. They look like normal best friends."

"One of them definitely has feelings for her," Mrs Hong smiled proudly. "Who?" Mrs Kang and Mr Yoon tried to look again eagerly.

"Maybe! Maybe Jay and Sunghoon both like her but didn't want to confess. Jay looks like he has liked her for a long time. Sunghoon looks like he's just getting started. For Daera..." she stopped, not knowing what to say, "Why is she so complicated to guess? I hate whenever I try to guess her feelings."

"Nobody asks you to do that," Mrs Kang rolled her eyes. "But it's fun!" Mrs Hong pouted.

"How about we bet? I bet for Daera ending up with Sunghoon," he put his money down. Mrs Kang stared at the money for a while, "It's wrong to bet my daughter like this," she sighed but eventually gave in and put some money down, "Me too. Bet for her and Sunghoon."

Mrs Hong scoffed, "I bet for Jay and Daera."

Grandma Song approached them and put her money out of the blue, "What are we betting? I want to join."

"For which surgeon will end up with Daera," Mrs Hong and Mr Yoon answered in unison. Grandma Song smirked, "I bet for Jay and Daera."

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