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Sunghoon opened the door to his penthouse and stood at the side to let Daera in. She looked around and gasped in awe. The ceiling was high and a big expensive chandelier hung high. The interior was white and minimalistic.

He led her to her bedroom. She gasped excitedly when she saw the big bed and glanced at him with puppy eyes. He gave in, "Go ahead."

She giggled and sprinted towards the bed before jumping towards it. She sat back up and walked around, "I have a mini living room in my bedroom? How can you fit a big couch here?"

"Money," he answered blankly before leaving the room, "I'm going to work. Be there early."

She took a deep breath and unpacked all of her things, putting them where it makes the room look better.

Sunghoon rubbed his temples frustratedly, examining one of the interns' paperwork. The door opened wide, revealing Yeona. His eyes widened, "Bae Yeona?"

"It's been a while since we've seen each other," she smirked and sat across from him. He scoffed and ran his fingers through his hair. She pouted, "Look at you. All grown up and you look more mature than before."

"So I wasn't mature back then?"

"No, it's not like that. So how's your girlfriend? What's her name? Something Suji?"

He frowned, "Ahn Suji is dead. Got stabbed many times." She gasped and cupped her mouth in shock, "How? I mean, she's your latest girlfriend right?"

"We broke up 4 years ago. How would I know about her well-being and stuff?" He sighed as he tidied up his desk. Yeona leaned against the chair and tilted her head to the side to take a good look at him, "You've gotten more handsome, Sunghoon."

"What do you want?" He got straight to the point, leaning forward with full anticipation. She smiled and rested her head on her palm, "Let's get back together."

"No can do," he stood up and put on his doctor coat, "You left me and humiliated me in front of my family and staff. We can be friends but not date."

She chased after him and grabbed his arm, "Come on. I was sorry okay? When you asked for my hand in marriage, I panicked. I wasn't ready."

"That was 7 years ago. And I've already moved on. I'm not in the mood to date someone now."

"Why? Is it because you like someone else?" She sighed as she looked away. He stopped walking and clenched his fists, "None of your business. Move on, Yeona. It's not good to like me too much."

She bit her bottom lip in anger as she heard the door slam shut. She exhaled heavily and wiped the tears that managed to escape from her eyes.

"Never give up," she mumbled to herself as she left the office. She held her handbag tightly and walked through the hallway silently until a figure bumped into her shoulder

Her handbag dropped to the floor and all her things fell off the bag. She sighed and squatted to pick them up. Daera immediately helped her, "I'm sorry for bumping into you. I was in a rush."

Yeona stood up straight and smiled, "It's okay. I was clumsy that I didn't see people around me."

"It's a relief that you're not hurt. I'm sorry for bumping into you."

They both chuckled awkwardly until a group of paramedics rushed between them, pushing a surgical bed. The patient on the bed was unconscious and her head was bleeding badly. There were purple dark bruises around her eye.

"Oh my," Yeona gasped as she saw a glimpse of the patient.

"What happened?" Daera muttered to herself, worried for the patient.

Sunghoon put on his mask and gloves and walked to the surgical table. He widened his eyes when he saw his ex-girlfriend, Jihyun on the table. Jay who was one of the surgeons in charge looked at him, "Her head hit a hard object many times. There's a choking scar around her neck. Her nails were pulled off."

"Who did this to her?" Sunghoon asked worriedly. Heeseung who stood across from them eyed the monitor, "Her heart rate is getting lower. Her blood pressure too."

They all grabbed a tool and slowly performed surgery with full care.

Heeseung stepped out of the operating room, seeing his two friends already outside. They both stayed silent as they lowered their gaze. "Sunghoon-ah," he called the said surgeon.

Sunghoon lifted his head to look at him, "What?"

"I know Jihyun just died but you shouldn't blame yourself for her death. We just couldn't save her."

Jay frowned, "Don't you think it's weird? Most of your girlfriends got assaulted lately. Suji and Jihyun got killed. Someone is planning this."

"What do you mean? What nonsense are you talking about?" Sunghoon asked in annoyance.

"This person either has feelings for you or they just have some problems with your ex-girlfriends. But don't you think it's too good to be a coincidence?"

Sunghoon thought for a while, "I'll have someone investigate about this."

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