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Heeseung sighed as he let go of the steering wheel. He looked at Jiah who was sitting at the passenger's seat next to him, "Do you really want the lion toy?"

"Of course! It's a limited edition and it sells out pretty fast," she said angrily as she folded her arms. He exhaled tiredly, asking himself why he volunteered to babysit the kid in the first place knowing that she already became sarcastic like her father.

"Stay in the car and never open the door to anyone," he said and left the car, rushing into the store. He looked around and smiled victoriously when he saw the wanted toy on a shelf.

There was only one toy left so he immediately ran towards it. Just when he was about to take the toy, a hand reached for it.

"No! No!" He frowned and looked at the owner of the hand. A woman smiled at it and was about to leave. He tapped her shoulder twice, "Excuse me, I saw the toy first."

"But I got it," she frowned and turned around to face him. Their eyes widened when they saw each other.

"Jung Areum?!"

"Lee Heeseung?!"

They both said in unison. He scoffed in disbelief and ran his fingers through his hair, "What are you doing with the toy anyway?"

"It's for my niece. What are you doing here?" She gave him a death stare.

They both hated each other since high school. They both used to be the smartest in class, competing to get first place.

They would always compare their grades and then argue about them. He had got her punished in class and she had got him hit with a basketball hard in the head.

"Why don't you put the toy down first and we'll talk about it," he suggested. She narrowed her eyes before giving in.

Just when they were about to discuss it properly, a kid snatched it and walked away. They both stared at the boy with shocked eyes.

"Hold my basket," she said and he obeyed, "Go get him, Areum."

She approached the boy and smiled, "Hey, kid. There must be some misunderstandings here. I saw the toy first."

"But I got it," he answered out of annoyance, "Finders keepers, losers weepers."

She scoffed at how rude the boy was. She looked at Heeseung who was motioning her to snatch the toy from him.

"Listen, kid, nobody uses that sentence already. And I saw it first but I put it back on the shelf because some annoying guy asked me to discuss it. So if you're trying to act smart and be rude to me, you chose the wrong woman."

Heeseung was stunned as he looked at her when she called him annoying. Areum tried to take the toy away, "Give it back!"

The boy scratched her and screamed. She pushed him and snatched the toy back, "Oh come on, I didn't even push you hard. So dramatic!"

Heeseung grabbed her wrist, "Run!"

They both ran to the counter and quickly gave the cashier their stuff. He immediately handed the girl behind the counter his money.

Areum widened her eyes, "Whoa whoa, what are you doing?!"

He smiled and held the toy in front of her, "I already paid for it! It's mine now!"

She scoffed in disbelief and chased after him with her things. "Lee Heeseung, this is not fair! I went all the trouble just to get the toy!"

"And you did me a huge favour. Thank you, Jung Areum."

She groaned out of annoyance and they both pressed their car keys towards their cars.

Two cars next to each other let out a sound, signalling that they were unlocked. He frowned, "I can't believe you parked next to me."

She stomped to her car, "Such a pain in the ass."

"I heard that!" He smirked before entering his car. She watched as he drove his Mercedes-Benz out of the parking lot.

She went into her car and rested her head on the steering wheel.

"Ah! He's so annoying! I can't believe I meet him again today! I thought I wouldn't meet him ever again!"

Jiah looked at Heeseung confusedly, "Who was she, uncle?"

"Just some lady that escaped from the mental asylum," he chuckled as he turned the car around to another road.

She frowned, "That's not nice! Mom says it's not nice to call people awful names because that just shows how pathetic you are. Like your love life, uncle."

He looked at her in disbelief, too stunned to speak, "Yah! I dated before, okay?!"

"And did it last?" She rolled her eyes.

He scoffed and kept his eyes on the road, ignoring her.

"Are you sulking, uncle?"

"Shut up. I'm not talking to you."

Should I make the next book about Heeseung's love story? Comment what you think 👀

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