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Daera linked her arms with Sunghoon and Jay's, leading them to the famous mountain where people always visit for the view. Jay was holding a basket filled with food for their picnic and Sunghoon was holding a mat for them to sit on.

The two men panted tiredly. "Are you sure we're almost there? It feels like I'm walking on the stairs to heaven," Sunghoon whined. "Come on, it would be nice to have a picnic on the mountain. The view is so beautiful up there. You can see the whole Pohang," she convinced.

They reached the top of the mountain and the two male surgeons gasped in awe, admiring the scenery of the whole town. The sea was blue and the town was colourful with old buildings. The famous red lighthouse could also be seen.

Daera took the mat from Sunghoon and put it on the ground. Jay helped her put the food on the mat. Sunghoon was busy taking pictures of the scenery, still in awe.

The wind was strong that it almost lifted her dress. Jay widened his eyes and took off his jacket before tying it around her waist. She blushed, "Thank you."

"Sunghoon, let's eat before the food gets cold," he said to his friend. Sunghoon obeyed and sat down next to Daera, drooling over the delicious food her mother prepared for them.

She scoffed, "Were you taking pictures for your girlfriend?"

"I don't have a girlfriend."

She looked at him, feeling surprised. "Really?" She asked. Jay chuckled, "He doesn't have a girlfriend for 4 years now. Don't know what happened."

Sunghoon looked at her, "What about you?"

"Still single," she muttered. She fed herself some pickled radish and looked away. He nodded slowly and took some kimchi.

There was one last grilled beef in the container. Sunghoon and Daera both gave each other a death stare before attacking the meat with their chopsticks. "Yah! I saw it first!" She hit his hand with her chopsticks.

"Your mother made it for me!" He argued back, smacking her hand away. Jay sighed and snatched the last piece of meat, ignoring them.

"No!" Sunghoon and Daera yelled in unison. Before Jay could even eat the meat, they both tackled him, forcing him to put the meat down.

"What is wrong with you?!" Jay yelled, trying to free himself.

"We saw it first!" Sunghoon gripped his hand. She was about to snatch the meat back but accidentally pushed it away.

The meat fell to the ground, earning gasps from all of them. Sunghoon looked at it in disbelief, "Does the 3-second rule still work?"

"I don't think so," she frowned.

Jay smiled at the camera as Daera was taking his picture, the scenery stood behind him. Sunghoon watched from behind them as he sat on the mat. He took out his phone and smiled as he took her picture secretly.

He stared at the picture for a while but flinched when she called him, "Yah, don't you want to take a picture?"

He stood up before putting his arm on her shoulders. She widened her eyes, "What are you doing–"

He stood next to Jay and held his phone up high, "Let's take a selfie."

They all smiled at the camera. She frowned, "I'm too short."

"Do you want me to pick you up or something?" Sunghoon smirked. She blushed and smacked his arm, "Don't say that."

They all walked back home together, holding ice creams. Jay licked his ice cream as he walked behind Sunghoon and Daera. His free hand holding the picnic basket. Sunghoon was bumping her to the side. She groaned out of annoyance, "Can you stop that?!"

She bumped him back but he was too strong so she almost fell but he held her by the shoulders to save her. Jay sighed, feeling left out.

I feel like there's no use in trying to win your heart. It seems like Sunghoon will win this time. Again.

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