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Daera put in the passcode and waited for the door to her apartment to open. She stood to the side to let Sunghoon in as he was carrying her things. He put them down and looked around, "This place hasn't changed. You still live in this small house."

"It's the only place I could afford. The house prices are increasing day by day," she explained before going to the kitchen, checking the fridge. She frowned when there was nothing in it and opened her cupboards.

She took a deep breath and looked at him, "Do you want to eat ramyeon?"

He choked on his saliva and cleared his throat awkwardly, warmth rising in his cheeks. "Without the sex part. Just noodles," she added and he nodded slowly. She pursed her lips and started turning on the stove.

He sat on the floor of the living room. Her house was a studio apartment so she didn't have any dining table since it was too small. He sat in front of the coffee table and looked around, staring blankly at the white walls.

After a while of waiting, she finally came with a pot of instant noodles and two bowls. She sat across from him and took some noodles for herself, blowing at them to make it colder.

"Don't you want to move out?" He asked out of the blue. She looked around, "I do. When I can afford a better place then I'll move out."

She looked at him and frowned, "Were you going to buy me a place?"

He immediately shook his head, "No!"

"But you were thinking about it!" She said out of annoyance. He pouted and ate his noodles, "Not technically buying for you. Just..."


"I was thinking of making you, my housemate," he muttered but she heard it. She glared at the man in front of her, "Yah! What are you talking about? A housemate?"

"I mean, I'm not going to touch you. I don't touch girls if I don't have their consent," he argued, "I'm just sorry that you live in a small house. You can't even walk here and you only sleep on the couch. You don't even have a bed!"

She scoffed, "Sorry, Park Sunghoon because I never experienced living in such a big house. I've rented this place ever since I started studying in Seoul. And the landlady here is so nice. So the thought of moving out didn't cross my mind."

"Well, it would be like Jake and Edlyn. They both live together even though they don't have feelings towards each other."

"They're both married! And look at them now! They can't even be one foot apart from each other," she argued back.

He stayed silent and slurped his noodles. She thought for a while and looked at him pouting. She sighed, "How many bedrooms are there? In your house?"

"Six," he answered blankly. She widened her eyes in surprise, "And you live alone? Is it a mansion?"


She scoffed in disbelief, "You guys are insane."

He ignored her and took another bowl of noodles. She sighed in defeat, "Fine. I'll move in with you. I can't stand the next-door neighbour's snoring anyway."

"Really?" He asked, stopping his hand from adding another bowl of noodles. She nodded and gave him a death stare, "But! There are rules that you have to follow."

"Tell me."

"You can never go into my room. Don't ever think we can have sex or any of the things you always do to your girlfriends. If you want someone over, tell me first beforehand. And! This can never be told to anyone."

He looked at her confusedly, "Why?"

"Imagine telling Edlyn about this. Don't you think she'll be there 24/7 to make sure you're not touching me?"

"Good point," he nodded. "Do you agree with these rules?" She fed herself some pickled radish.


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