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Jay, please be there when I get to the hospital.


Why do I feel uneasy?

Daera stepped into the lobby and ran through the hallway, searching for the man she longed to see. She didn't care about her bruised lips and wrists. All she cared about was for Jay to be safe.

She barged into his office and saw no one in there. "No no no," she breathed out before leaving the room. Her eyes caught the sight of Jake walking towards her, "Daera, what's wrong? What happened to you?"

"Please tell me Jay is at the medical school."

"He left two hours ago," he answered quietly, sensing something was wrong.

He held both of her shoulders, "What happened? Tell me, Kang Daera."

"Yeona kidnapped me and I escaped but it feels like something's wrong. She said that Sunghoon and Jay were coming for me but they never did."

She grabbed the collar of Jake's coat, "What if something happened to them? What if Yeona hurt them?"

"Calm down. He'll be fine. I'll get one of my staff to treat your wounds first."

He led her to his office and told his assistant to give him a first-aid kit.

Edlyn slammed her car door shut and went to the passenger's seat to open the car door for her father. Mr Park gasped in shock when he saw how hectic the road was. Police and detectives were all around the place, searching for clues and answers.

The paramedics were trying to get Jay, Sunghoon and Heeseung out of the car. A man in an expensive-looking coat approached her, "Hi, I'm Ni-ki. Sunghoon hired me to investigate the current murders of his ex-girlfriends."

Edlyn eyed him up and down and refused to shake his hand, feeling hesitant. Mr Park nodded and sighed, "What happened here?"

"I believe that Bae Yeona had kidnapped Daera and tried to harm Sunghoon, which he was driving and his fellow friends were in the same car with him. Jay and Heeseung are in critical condition right now. We managed to make sure Sunghoon is safe. It's just that he hit really hard on the steering wheel."

"Take them all to a hospital overseas. I can't let them get in danger again here," the hospital director ordered. Edlyn widened her eyes, "Dad! What the hell are you–"

"My son almost died, Edlyn! The doctors are also not sure whether he'll live or not. I am not risking my son's life again. That girl Yeona could be alive and hurt him again."

What about Daera? You can't possibly break her apart from him. They just got together! She thought inside her mind.

"I should at least tell Daera and Jake–"

"Nobody is telling anybody. This thing will remain a secret until I let you all reveal it. For now, send them to America for further medical treatment. And Jay will take care of the hospitals in America at the moment. Sunghoon and Heeseung will also work there for a while."

Ni-ki led Mr Park to the ambulance, leaving Edlyn behind. She sighed in disbelief and thought about what would happen.

What if Daera asks me about it?

What if Jiah misses her uncle?

What if Jake asks me?

Daera immediately stood up when Edlyn walked into Jake's office. He rushed to his wife and held both of her shoulders, "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Edlyn glanced at her friend before smiling softly, "Nothing. Just had a rough day. Why don't we all go for a nice dinner, hm?"

"No, thank you. I'm waiting for Jay," Daera said and left the office. Edlyn breathed out and sat on the couch, her head hung low.

"What's wrong? Seriously, Edlyn."

She shrugged and looked away. He smiled softly and intertwined his hand with hers, "It's okay. I'll wait until you're ready to tell me."

A few days have passed and none of the people talked about the sudden disappearance of Heeseung, Jay and Sunghoon. Daera knew something was wrong but she ignored it. She knew there was something Edlyn and her father were hiding.

She clicked her pen continuously as she stood at the registration counter, her mind wandering to other places.

"Daera," Mr Park approached her in his black suit. She flinched in surprise and instantly bowed at him out of respect, "Sorry, Mr Park. I was just–"

"It's okay. I zone out too," the older man chuckled, "I would like to see you in my office for a minute."

"I've seen your work here and let me tell you, you're one of the best surgeons here, Daera," Mr Park complimented as he sipped his tea.

She nodded and smiled, ignoring the cup of tea in front of her. Mr Park has been too nice to her lately and it was starting to scare her.

She avoided his eye contact and lowered her gaze. He sighed, "Alright, I'll get straight to the point."

What is it?

Do you want me to stop asking about your son at your daughter?

Do you want me to stop loving him?

Please... Just tell me anything about him.

I don't care if he falls in love with someone else or anything just please tell me if he's safe.

I miss him so much, Mr Park.

Tears were threatening to come out when she thought of the questions she was too afraid to ask the man in front of her. She remembered how Jay brought her to dinner and how they would cuddle each other on the couch while watching tv.

All those sweet moments were too precious to let go of. Mr Park exhaled heavily before smiling, "I would like you to take over this hospital."

She looked at him with surprised eyes, "What?! Then, what about Edlyn?"

"She decided to let go of the position. She wants to focus at the hospital out of Seoul. I have seen the potential in you and I think the director position would be very suitable for you."

"Isn't this too soon, Mr Park?"

"I know it's a bit soon. But please, Daera. You are so suitable for the position. I hope you can set a good example for our staff here and lead a better future for the hospital."

She nodded and smiled, "I'll do it, Mr Park."

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