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Sunghoon turned on the lights to his room and plopped himself on the couch, still thinking about what Daera said.

"You rich people."

Her words still lingering in his mind. He sighed and leaned against the couch, his head lifted so that he was facing the ceiling. A big part inside him was feeling guilty because he was raised and used to the rich people environment.

He forgot that there were some people still struggling with financial problems. One of the people was Daera. He took out his phone and dialled Edlyn's number.

"Hello?" She answered from the other side of the call. He sighed and stayed silent. She frowned, "Sunghoon. Are you there?"

"I fought with Daera today," he confessed quietly. She exhaled heavily, "What did you do?"

"I offended her."

"Then, why are you calling? Shouldn't you go and solve the problem with her?"

"Is it true that her father has a brain tumour?" He asked out of the blue. Edlyn sighed, "Yeah. But she told me not to worry or do anything because she will take care of it herself. You know how she is. She doesn't like to be in debt with anyone."

"Do you know where her hometown is?"

She started to feel nervous, "Sunghoon, what are you trying to do?"

"Nothing. I just want to visit the place."

"It's in Pohang. Promise me you won't do anything that will upset her," she begged. He nodded slowly, "Fine."

Daera arrived at the hospital earlier than she expected. She stepped into the building and looked at the staff getting ready for their shifts. She smiled and greeted them before walking to Sunghoon's office. He was always early for work but that day, he wasn't in the room.

She was about to leave until her back hit a man's chest. She flinched in surprise when she saw Jay standing behind her.

"He's not here?" He asked, holding a few papers. "Maybe he's a bit late?" She guessed.

Heeseung suddenly came and looked around the office, "He's on a few days off. He has somewhere to go."

Jay smiled at her, "My father wants to see you."

She followed him as he led her to the director's office. She walked into the room slowly, seeing the old man already sitting on the couch.

"Come sit, Daera," he said politely with a soft smile. Mr Park was like a second father to her. He has taken care of her ever since she was in middle school. She didn't want to be far away from Edlyn in high school so he decided to send them both to America to study together.

And when Daera wanted to further her studies in America, he searched for a prestigious medical school to send her to. He did it because she was Edlyn's best friend, someone his daughter trusts. It technically made her like a family member to them.

"Why do you want to see me, Mr Park?" She asked, fiddling with her fingers nervously. She couldn't make eye contact with him due to her heart beating quickly, afraid of what he would say. She lowered her gaze and sneaked some glances at him to make sure he wasn't offended that she was avoiding his gaze.

"I heard about what happened at the operating room. It's very rare for a patient to get a cardiac arrest during surgery but it's not impossible," he spoke, "They asked you to pay for $100,000?"

"It was mainly my fault, Mr Park. Sunghoon was doing all the work and I was standing next to him, holding the tools like a stupid person–"

"Hey, I'm not here to scold you," he assured her, "I just want to tell you that the hospital will compensate for the money and we will make sure it doesn't get to the court. I know how worried you are about your father too so the hospital will handle it."

She frowned, "But Mr Park–"

"I know you don't like it when I try to pay for everything, but you and Sunghoon tried to save the patient. There was no use in saving him that time so it's okay. You may leave," he smiled.

She bowed at him before leaving the office. As always, Mr Park would always have to pay for everything. If she wanted to pay back the money that he has spent on her, it would cost both of her kidneys.

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