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Daera wiped her hand when she finished washing the dishes. She sighed and looked at her bedroom door. Jay and Sunghoon already entered the room since they were too tired. She glanced at her parents in the living room, contemplating whether she should go into the room or not.

She took a deep breath and walked slowly to her room, holding the doorknob hesitantly. She opened the door and saw the two surgeons already laying on the floor. Jay was already asleep while Sunghoon was still on his phone.

He smirked and rested his head on his palm, watching her as she made her way towards the bed. She cleared her throat nervously before asking, "You're not going to touch me, are you?"

He scoffed, "Do you want me to?"

"No!" She said instantly before facing the other way. He stared at her back and laid back on the floor, "Don't be so nervous. You act like we're going to sleep with each other. That will never happen."

"Well thank God," she rolled her eyes before closing them. He gave her a death stare, "Okay now I'm offended."

She turned to the other side to look at him and sighed, "Why would I sleep with you? I can choose whoever I want. You don't own me."

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"Nothing. You just get on my nerves."

"I know it's not because of that," he argued back. She sighed and thought for a while. Is it because he made me look stupid when I was about to confess my feelings?

Anger started rising in her when she remembered him asking if she was jealous in front of the girl that he kissed that night. She grabbed a pillow and threw it on his face, "Shut up and go to sleep."

The sky was almost turning bright, signalling that the sun was rising. Daera combed her hair and glanced at the two men sleeping on the floor. She sighed and got up to pull their blanket away, "Wake up! You're going to miss the sunrise!"

Jay groaned tiredly and Sunghoon turned around before burying his face into the pillow. She chuckled and smack his back, "Wake up. I thought you came here for a vacation. You have to experience everything we do here."

She looked at Jay who was already scratching his neck. "Does it have to be today? Why can't we watch the sunrise tomorrow?" He whined. She stood up before sitting at the edge of her bed, "I have to go somewhere tomorrow."

Jay sighed and stood up tiredly before heading towards the bathroom. She looked at Sunghoon who was still sleeping. She squatted next to him to take a good look at his face and sighed heavily.

I hate you for having that charming face. Why do you have to be a handsome jerk?

She stood up straight and asked again, "Are you coming with us."

"No," he answered instantly. She nodded before leaving the room, "Fine."

"Come on!" Daera pulled Jay's hand as she led him to the beach. The sun was almost rising and she pointed at it, "Look!"

He stared at it in awe, seeing the yellow and orange hue appearing slowly in the sky. They both were already in their sports attire to prepare for their morning jog.

"It's beautiful," he said in surprise. He took out his phone to take a picture and stared at the picture for a while. She was still looking at the sky, ignoring him who was beside her. He turned around and saw his shadow next to her. It looked like a girl leaning next to her boyfriend.

He smiled and took a picture of the shadows secretly, letting her talk about the sunrise alone. "Are you listening?" She asked, her eyes still fixed at the sky. He hummed in response and nodded before putting his phone back into the pocket.

They both jogged around the neighbourhood, admiring the beautiful scenery of the hometown. Daera tried to run faster to beat him and he smirked, effortlessly quicker and ahead of her. She started to pant and accidentally sprained her right foot.

She fell and groaned in pain, her knees scratched because they landed on the road. He stopped and rushed towards her worriedly, "Are you alright?"

"Of course not! Why do you even ask?" She asked out of annoyance.

He immediately put her arms around his neck before picking her up in bridal style. She blushed and widened her eyes, "Jay, what are you–"

"Just stay still," he demanded before running back to her house.

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