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Jay silently checked the surgical tools in the operating room. He wrote something in his notepad until the door opened out of the blue. He flinched in surprise and turned around, seeing a male figure in a black outfit that was soaked in the rain.

He had his black cap and a mask on. Jay narrowed his eyes to take a closer look but still couldn't recognise the figure.

"Miss me?" The man mocked. Jay sighed, "How can I recognise you if you don't take off your mask?"

The man frowned and took off his cap and mask. Jay widened his eyes in shock when he saw Hojun in front of him. The only thing that was in between them was the operating table.

"Do you remember when you ruined my life by kicking me out of medical school?" Hojun asked as he eyed the surgeon's hand. Jay scoffed, "You harmed my sister. How can I not do that? You and Sorin deserve something worse than just being kicked out of school."

"Come on, Jay. It was just an accident. I bet she overcame her fears after the accident."

Jay glared at the young man in disbelief, "My sister lost her hearing and was traumatised for so long. Her life was in danger."

"All she had to do was give me the hospital," Hojun sighed as he leaned against the wall.

"It's a family hospital. It belongs to her. Please wake up from your dreams, you bastard. You're not even our family member so why try hard to take over?"

Hojun stepped slowly towards him, "Do you know who put the corpse on Sunghoon's favourite couch?"

"It was you?" Jay asked in shock. The younger man nodded and laughed in amusement. "It was just a payback to him but I didn't know Daera was staying with him too. It looks fun to harm her too. I never like her. She gets on my nerves," he said as he eyed the surgical blade on the tray.

Jay grabbed him by the collar and gritted his teeth in anger, "Don't you ever touch her! I will hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands!"

Hojun grabbed the blade and punched his face with it. Jay touched his cheek that got cut with the blade. Blood started trickling down.

"She never likes you, Park Jay. Snap out of your dreams. She rejected you so why try?"

"I never said I like her."

Hojun scoffed, "But it's so obvious, Jay. You're so bad at hiding your feelings. You took care of her like how a boyfriend should."

Jay was about to punch him but he was too quick as he stabbed the surgeon's hand with the sharp blade. Hojun laughed psychotically as he dug the blade deeper. Jay screamed in pain as he kneeled on the floor.

Hojun pulled the blade out of his palm and stabbed his left hip. Jay fell to the floor and breathed heavily as he was gasping for air.

"I wonder how pretty Daera looks with the blade in her neck?" Hojun said before leaving the operating room.

Jay widened his eyes and weakly stood up, gathering his strength. He held the door for support and yelled, "Don't you dare hurt her, Hojun!"

Daera breathed out as she shivered in cold. Her left hand was buried deep down in the pocket of her coat while her other hand held the umbrella to protect herself from the rain. Sunghoon was still working since he had a midnight shift so she had to go back home alone.

She walked slowly to her car but stopped when she felt like someone was watching her. She gulped in fear but didn't want to turn around so that the person wouldn't notice.

She walked again and flinched in shock when a hand grabbed her shoulder. The hand was bleeding so she quickly turned around, seeing Jay panting tiredly as his free hand was cupping his bleeding hip.

"Jay! Who did this to you?" She asked as she started to panic. "Did Hojun hurt you? Did you see him?" He breathed out.

"What do you mean? Did Hojun do this to you?" She asked. Tears started forming in her eyes as worry started rising inside her.

He smiled softly as he caressed her cheek, "I'm glad you're okay," his blood got on her cheek. He took one last breath before resting his head on her shoulder, tired from all the running.

His hair was soaked under the rain and his blood started trickling badly, staining his white doctor coat.

"Yah, you shouldn't run around in the rain! It hurts your wound more," her voice started to break at the end of the sentence.

Jay raised his hands before wrapping them around her neck. He pulled her into his embrace, "I'm just glad you're safe."

She burst into tears and tried to free herself but he tightened his embrace. She buried her face into his chest, "You scared me! You're hurt and you still tried to search for me! You should get your wound treated. Not looking for me."

"I don't know how my life will be without you. Let's just stay like this for a few minutes," he said softly.

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