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Jay opened the door and Jiah jumped on him, hugging him tightly. He smiled softly and patted the girl's back gently. Edlyn walked in and gave him a comforting hug, "It's going to be okay, alright?"

He nodded and buried his face into her shoulder, letting out all the tears that he held back. "Jiah, why don't you go play in the living room for a minute. Mommy's going to have a little talk with Uncle Jay," Edlyn said and watched her daughter run to the living room.

"It feels like someone just shot a bullet into my chest," he finally spoke. They both took a seat at the kitchen island.

Jay looked at her, "I love her, Edlyn. I really do. But it feels like she doesn't have feelings for me. I did what I can do to win her. But it looks like I'm failing."

"Is this about Daera? Where is she?"

"She's with Sunghoon right now."

The entrance door opened, revealing a tired Daera walking in. She was about to grab some snacks but was surprised to see her best friend in the kitchen with her brother.

"When did you get here?" Daera asked Edlyn.

"Just now. Can you take a look at Jiah for a second? I'm talking with Jay," Edlyn asked and she nodded, leaving the siblings in the kitchen.

Daera gasped in surprise when she saw Jiah hiding behind the wall, "Sim Jiah! Are you eavesdropping?!"

The little girl shushed her and motioned her to stand beside her. Daera obeyed, "What are you thinking?! You can't just eavesdrop on an adult conversation."

"You messed up big time, Aunty Daera," Jiah said as she sighed heavily.

"What do you mean?"

"You really have to confess to Uncle Jay immediately. Or else he'll give up and you'll cry yourself to sleep.

Daera scoffed in disbelief, "Excuse me–"

"He's crying now because he thinks he failed in winning your heart. And now he's about to give up! Make sure to confess today!"

"Excuse me, young lady. How do you even know that I like him?"

"It's obvious, Aunty Daera. You're happier with Uncle Jay than Uncle Sunghoon. Of course, Uncle Sunghoon makes your heart flutter but Uncle Jay makes you warm and comfortable. Choose him!"

Daera sighed, "I can't believe I'm talking to a 4-year-old about this."

"What are you waiting for? Now!" Jiah scolded.

"Not now! I'm not going to let you and your mother see! Go home first!"

"I think you should just give up, Jay. The girl is not into you," Edlyn sighed as she poured herself some water. "Maybe you're right," Jay said quietly, lowering his gaze to his hands that were clasped together.

"You can't force someone to love you. And I'm sure you'll meet someone better and who'll share the same interests as you. Someone who will make you happy every day. She's out there on this Earth waiting for you too."

"Thank you, Edlyn," he smiled softly and they both hugged each other.


Jay wiped his tears as he pulled away from the hug. Edlyn smiled at her daughter, "Yes, honey?"

"Can we go home? I miss dad."

Daera nodded and stayed silent until Jiah elbowed her hard in the thigh. She winced in pain and chuckled awkwardly, "She said that she's too tired and she wants to go home. I tried to persuade her to stay for Jay but she refuses to."

"Well then. Let's go, Jiah. Sorry for bothering you, Jay. Call me."

Jay nodded and watched as his sister made her way to the entrance door. The door closed and he gave Daera one last smile before heading upstairs.

"Wait!" She called before grabbing his hand. She held it and avoided eye contact, "I have something to tell you."

Oh my God, it's happening.

I am confessing to Jay.

"When we first met, you were helping Edlyn with her school bag. I admired you because you were so loving and caring. I've always wanted an older brother because of you. And I also treated you as my brother even though we're not related because you took such good care of me."

"And then when we're both teenagers, I realised that I'm not looking at you as a brother anymore. I looked at you as a man. And you always made my heart flutter because you're like the popular and handsome kid in school. And I felt lucky because you only talked to me and Edlyn while ignoring other girls."

"And when I entered medical school and I saw you as a professor there, you were charismatic, smart and I wasn't surprised why everyone likes you. You tried everything to make sure I'm okay and happy. And I really appreciate that."

"What are you trying to say?" Jay asked blankly.

Oh no.

Is he starting to lose feelings?

"I...don't know," she sighed, feeling disappointed at herself. She lowered her gaze and let him walk past her.

She felt angry and upset at herself for failing to confess to him. She clenched her fists tightly and let her tears trickle down.

"I'm in love with you," she said to herself and sobbed quietly.

"What?" He asked in shock. She realised he hadn't started walking yet and turned around to face him. His mind was too hectic to process the information that he just received.

Kang Daera is in love with me?

"What I'm saying is that I just–umm–I just–" she tried to make out words but failed to do so.

He smiled softly and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her towards him. "What are you doing?" She asked nervously.

He leaned forward until their lips almost touched and looked at her eyes deeply for permission. "Will you kiss me now?" She asked.

He chuckled and their lips touched. She wrapped her hands around his neck to deepen the kiss. At that time, it felt like the world stop spinning. There were just the two of them in the world, loving each other.

Jay waited for years for her. And he finally got her. Daera waited for the right man to win her heart. And she has found the one.

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