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Daera and Sunghoon brought Jiah to the park for a short stroll. He carried Jiah in his arms as Daera walked next to him. She made sure there was a gap between them but a group of children ran beside her out of the blue.

She moved closer to him instantly to protect herself from falling. She held her chest as she tried to calm her beating heart, "Those kids. I almost fell!"

He smirked as he realised she was clinging onto his arm, "Keep holding me like this and people will think that you're my wife."

She cleared her throat and moved away slowly, "Shut up."

She looked away and saw a row of cherry blossom trees. The pink petals were falling, creating beautiful scenery. She asked excitedly, "Jiah-yah. Go stand there and I'll take a picture of you. Your mom would love to see it."

Sunghoon put the child down and she scurried to the tree with her little legs. Daera was about to laugh when she realised Jiah was too short to make the picture include the pink cherry blossom flowers.

He sighed and walked towards her before picking her up, "You can take the picture now."

Daera blushed and coughed continuously as she took out her phone. Her hands were trembling nervously and she tried to hold the phone properly so that picture wouldn't end up shaky.

Sunghoon's lips curved into a soft smile and he told Jiah to smile too. Daera blushed when she saw him smiling at the camera.

Why does he look good with kids? Why do I feel like he would be considered as the "hot father"? Wait, what am I thinking?

She shrugged off the thoughts and checked the pictures, "Done."

He looked at her confusedly, "You're not joining for a picture?"

"Oh, no. I'm just taking Jiah's picture."

"Come join us, Aunty Daera," Jiah asked. She was about to refuse but he immediately pulled her towards him before holding her shoulder, "Let's take a selfie."

She gulped nervously and held her phone up high to get the perfect angle. They all smiled when she pressed the button. Sunghoon put Jiah down and looked at the old ladies that were approaching them.

"Oh my, aren't you a cute little girl? Is this your daughter?" One of them asked. "Oh, no. She's my friend's daughter. We're just taking care of her," Daera denied politely.

"Let me just tell you, you both are going to be great parents. You guys look really compatible with each other."

"They will," Jiah answered out of the blue, earning both of the neurosurgeons' surprise. The child walked ahead as she left them behind, humming a nursery rhyme.

Edlyn was drinking tea with Jake in his office until the door opened. Daera walked in as she carried a sleeping Jiah in her arms. The couple stood up, "Did she cause any trouble? I hope not."

"No. Did you see the pictures I sent you?"

"She looked so cute," Edlyn smiled as she laid her daughter on the couch. Jake took a blanket from one of his drawers and put it on Jiah.

Daera excused herself to let the couple have their alone time. She walked around the hallway until she reached the emergency room. Sunghoon was talking to an old couple. He didn't look so happy like he always does.

They seemed like they were arguing about something. She walked closer to hear the conversation.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Cho but it will be impossible to make your son undergo surgery. It's too risky! He's already braindead and performing surgery wouldn't do anything," Sunghoon tried to explain.

She could notice that he was becoming more and more annoyed by the sudden change in his voice.

"What kind of a doctor are you? I thought doctors are supposed to save lives?" The old lady said.

"We can double the price, Dr Park. What do you say?" The husband tried to bribe him. Sunghoon exhaled tiredly, "Yes, your son is still alive because his heart is still pumping. But his brain is dead. Without the brain, he can't even wake up from his coma," he tried to explain again.

He looked away and saw her standing in the middle of the hallway, watching and hearing their conversation. He sighed and faced the couple again, "I'll try to save him. My assistant and I will do our best to make him wake up again."

He was eyeing her, telling her to stand next to him. She approached them and bowed as a sign of respect.

The lady scoffed, "Are you sure I can trust her? She's just an intern, right?"

"Let me tell you, Mrs Cho. She didn't just graduate from a prestigious school in America for nothing," he defended her.

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