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Jay sighed as he opened the door to his father's house. He smiled at the sight of Jiah sleeping on Jake's lap on the couch. He had a storybook next to him.

Jay went to the kitchen and took out some liquors. He poured himself some strong alcohol and gulped it down in one shot. He dropped his hand down on the table, the small glass clinking against it.

"Just got home?" Edlyn's voice was heard. She approached him and sat across him, exhaling heavily at the sight of the alcohol.

"Did something happen?" She asked. He shook his head 'no' and proceed to pour himself another glass. She snatched the glass from him and gulped it down. She felt the burning sensation going down her throat.

"How can I win someone's heart? You're a woman, right? What did Jake do that made you fall in love with him?" He asked.

She laughed at the question, "I don't know. I just happen to love him. Maybe because we argue a lot and then when we try to bond, I found out about his real feelings and all his secrets. And we just fall in love with each other."

She watched as he rested his head on the table. She patted his back gently, "Is it Daera?"

He nodded and exhaled heavily, closing his eyes. She looked at him with sympathetic eyes, "You know, although it's very difficult to know if she likes you or not, let me just tell you that she likes polite men. The ones that take care of her and wouldn't mind doing the same for her family."

"Do you think I have a chance?"

"Of course you do."

Daera rummaged through the drawers in her bedroom. She started to panic and lied down on the bed, thinking of where she misplaced her files. Those files were important and she needed to hand them to the hospital director.

She bit her thumbnail nervously and thought for a while.

Is it still at the hospital? Shit. The hospital is quite scary at night. What if Sunghoon doesn't let me go there?

She wore her jacket and immediately sneaked out of the penthouse, closing the door slowly. When the door lock beeped a sudden melody, she flinched in fear and sprinted away from the door, knowing that Sunghoon could hear the door closing.

She quickly called a taxi and told the driver the location of the hospital.

She looked around, the lobby lights were still on. She was scared at the operating room level. It was always dark and eerie and there was a mortuary at the back. She remembered she put the files in Sunghoon's office and to get them, she had to go to the operating room level.

She greeted the staff that were on their shift. She went to the operating room floor and it was dark as the night sky. Only moonlight shining from the window was brightening up her way.

She felt the wind suddenly brushing against her skin and trembled in fear. She stood there frozen as her eyes were exploring the room, searching for any signs of bad guys that were going to assault her or ghosts.

She saw Sunghoon's office and sprinted towards it, barging in and closing the door. She exhaled in relief and started searching for her files. She smiled as she saw them on his desk.

She walked back out and hummed a bright melody to get rid of the nervousness in her.

A hand suddenly held her shoulder and she flinched in fear. She didn't want to turn around and look at the hand's owner. Her breaths started getting shaky and tears were threatening to come out.

"What are you doing here at this time?" A familiar manly voice spoke so deeply. She sighed in relief and turned around, seeing Jay still in his working outfit. He smelled like alcohol and coffee mixed together.

"Were you drinking here?" She asked. He shrugged, "I'm working here for the night so might as well just do whatever I want since we don't have many patients today."

A loud bang was heard from the mortuary down the hallway. Her eyes widened and her body immediately jumped to him. She pulled him into a tight hug and buried her face into his chest, "I'm scared! Please make it go away!"

His eyes were widened as he was trying to process what just happened.

Kang Daera just hugged me.

He lifted his right hand and hesitantly patted her back gently, "Calm down. I'm right here."

They both stayed in that position for a while, ignoring their surroundings. She didn't care who was going to see them and he didn't care what was going to happen.

Her heart thumped an unfamiliar beat. It was faster than usual. Instead of producing butterflies, her stomach felt the warmth that was slowly growing inside her.

She didn't feel nervous. Instead, she felt the comfortable warmth. And she wanted to stay in his embrace for a few minutes more.

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