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six months later.

"I do," Daera said continuously, practising her vows for the wedding. She walked back and forth in her wedding gown as she tightened her grip around her bouquet.

The waiting room door opened, revealing Sunghoon in a black tuxedo. She looked at him with startled eyes, "Sunghoon."

He smiled in awe, "You look...wonderful."

She returned his smile and watched as he approached her with a small box. He opened it and there was a diamond hairpin that sparkled.

"What is this?" She asked.

"I was going to give you this four years ago. Before you left for America."

She thanked him and took it before putting it on her hair bun. The door opened again, revealing her parents with Mr Yoon and Mrs Hong.

"Oh! Sunghoon-ah!" Mrs Hong said happily. "Nice to meet you again, Mrs Hong," the male surgeon greeted.

"Look at you! You're getting married," Mrs Kang said as she shed a happy tear. Mr Kang sighed and hugged his daughter, "Your mother wouldn't stop crying in the car. Congratulations, honey."

Mrs Hong who was standing at the back with Mr Yoon smirked as she leaned to whisper, "I win. I told you she was going to end up with Jay."

The man frowned and gave her the money.

This is it.

There he is. Standing at the altar all in a white suit.

He's smiling at me.

He looks like a prince.

I still can't believe I'm marrying him.

Daera clenched her father's suit as she nervously walked down the aisle. All the guests were watching her in awe. She glanced to her right and saw Jiah quietly clapping her hands happily.

Jake was sitting next to her and Edlyn was sitting next to her father. Mr Park gave an assuring nod and wiped his tear that fell.

Jay clasped his hands together and took a deep breath as he stared at his future wife down the aisle. His heart pounded and his stomach felt uneasy as if butterflies were dancing in it.

It was like there were only the two of them at the wedding. Daera reached him at the altar and they both faced each other.

"Hi," he breathed out. She smiled, "Hi."

"We are gathered here today for the wedding of Mr Park Jay and Ms Kang Daera..."

Sunghoon watched the bride and groom from the seat. He folded his arms and leaned against the seat, smiling happily. He wiped his tear that trickled down and exhaled heavily.

Congratulations, Jay.

I'm so stupid for trying to take Daera away from you.

Look at her. She's happier with you. You deserve her more than I do.

I hope you take care of her and grow old together.

A hand patted his back, making him flinch. He looked to his right and Heeseung was comforting him as he kept his eyes fixed at the altar.

"So, any plans for your honeymoon?" Mr Park asked as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. Jay chuckled nervously, "Dad, we just got married."

"I'm getting old, son. I'm afraid that I won't even get to see my grandchild."

Heeseung laughed and fed himself some salad. Sunghoon chuckled and cut his steak silently. Jiah suddenly got off her seat, "I want to make a toast."

Edlyn started to panic, "Jake."

"Let her be. It's going to be cute," her husband said as he took out his phone to record. Jay clapped and cheered for his niece as he waited with full anticipation for the speech.

"I want to propose a toast for my uncle, for finally marrying the girl he has liked for years."

All the guests were awed. She continued, "And for my favourite Aunty Daera. Thank God you were finally brave to confess to Uncle Jay or else, I was scared you would cry yourself to sleep."

"Oh God," Edlyn looked away. "Keep going, sweetie!" Jake shouted.

"I just want to say, I'm the reason Uncle Jay and Aunty Daera's relationship worked out. If you want me to make your relationship work, just give me a call from my dad's phone."

The guests laughed, including Jay and Daera. Edlyn and Heeseung were the only ones frowning as they tried to eat their worries away. Jiah giggled, "You should really call my dad later, Uncle Heeseung," she said and ended her speech.

"What is with that kid and my love life? Did I do something wrong to her?" Heeseung asked and pouted, "Please get her away from Jake."

"Will do," Edlyn said and continued eating awkwardly.

"Well, have a nice night, Daera. You too, Jay," Edlyn said and hugged the both of them. Jake picked up his daughter and bid the newlywed couple goodbyes.

Heeseung approached them and was about to bid goodbyes when Jiah suddenly spoke up, "Did you find anyone to your liking, Uncle?"

"Not yet."

"Well then, get to it. I don't want to see you die alone," she said. Edlyn immediately linked her arm with Jake as she led them away from the venue as soon as possible.

Heeseung buried his face into Sunghoon's chest, "She's so harsh!"

Sunghoon frowned, "Relax. She's a four-year-old."

Daera sighed, "I'm scared that she'll kill us one day. I don't know what Jake taught her."

"Same," Jay breathed out.

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