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Sunghoon tapped his pen on the desk continuously, his mind filled with thoughts about the body found on his couch. He sighed heavily and leaned back against his chair. The door opened and Jay walked in, followed by Heeseung from behind.

"We heard what happened," Heeseung spoke as he took a seat across from him, "I'm sure the culprit has some grudge against you. Why is he or she attacking your ex-girlfriends only? Do you know any girls or guys that would probably do this to get back at you?"

"I don't know," Sunghoon frowned in annoyance, "The police can't find anything in my house. It seems like the culprit cleaned all the evidence. He or she is smart and knows what they're doing."

"Not even a single strand of hair?" Jay asked. Sunghoon shook his head no and buried his face into his arms as he rested his head on the desk.

"What about the private investigator you hired. Any news?" Jay asked again. Sunghoon just sighed and shook his head again. Still no update.

"Is Daera okay? Is she shocked?" Jay asked as worry started to rise inside him.

"She's fine. She's unexpectedly calm."

The door was knocked and opened, revealing Yeona who was holding a lunchbox. She chuckled nervously, "I didn't expect you to have two people in your office now. I'll come back later," she was about to leave but Sunghoon called her, "Don't. They're about to leave."

Heeseung smiled at her before leaving the office, Jay followed behind him. She took slow steps to the seat across Sunghoon and opened the lid of the lunchbox, "I made you lunch."

"Why didn't you tell me you're coming? I'm still working."

"It's already lunch and I know you will be stressed about the bodies and stuff that you will forget to it," she mixed the side dishes into the rice.

He furrowed his eyebrows and eyed her, "How do you know there was a body in my house?"

She scoffed, "Do you think I'm dumb? Everyone is talking about it. I heard it from one of your staff."

He nodded and watched her mix the rice. She was about to feed him but he took the spoon, "I can eat by myself."

She forced herself to keep smiling and leaned back against her chair, "How's work?"

"Still the usual," he answered blankly as he ate the meal she made.

"I'm sorry for leaving and humiliating you, Sunghoon. I really do. I hope you can accept my apology and we can go back like how we used to be," she begged.

He frowned and slammed the spoon down, "I thought we're through this."

"I still love you, Sunghoon. I do."

"I have feelings for someone else," he sighed tiredly. Her heart dropped and she nodded, "Okay. Enjoy your meal."

She said before leaving the office.

Daera took off her mask and gloves before washing her hands. Edlyn followed after her and exhaled heavily, "So what are you going to do now? There must be something that Sunghoon did that made the culprit angry with him. Any updates from the police?"

"No. And I don't know what Sunghoon did but I don't want to be any part of it," Daera frowned. "Make sure to always be careful. What if the culprit attacks you for being too close to Sunghoon?" Edlyn asked again.

Daera rolled her eyes, "Relax, Edlyn-ah. It's not like I'm his girlfriend or best friend or something. I'm just his intern–"

She didn't get to finish her sentence when Edlyn suddenly gagged and pushed her to the side before running away from the operating room. Daera watched her questioningly before chasing after her.

She walked into the toilet and saw heard her friend puking in one of the stalls. She leaned against the door to the stall next to Edlyn's and waited for her to finish puking.

Edlyn walked out and went to the sink to wash her hands. "Is it because of the blood from the patient on the operating table?" Daera asked.

"What? No!" Edlyn frowned, "Those traumatic memories and phobias are forgotten already."

"Then?" Daera asked again until realisation hit her, "Did you and Jake, you know, do 'it'?"

Edlyn widened her eyes before looking away. Her cheeks formed a warm red colour. She cleared her throat, "Jiah was staying at his parents' house so we got drunk."

"Ew. It's a yes or no question. You don't have to explain it," Daera looked at her disgustingly before leaving the toilet. Edlyn smiled and chased after her before clinging onto her arm, "I bet that you will be bolder with your future husband than Jake and I."

They both walked to the cafeteria.

Daera pushed her hair off her shoulders and took a deep breath as she hugged her notepad tightly. She stood in front of the VIP private suite since she needed to check on her patient.

He was Jeon Haon, the son of a famous actor. She opened the door and greeted Haon with a bright smile, "How are you feeling, Mr Jeon?"

Sunghoon told her to be extra polite to the patient since he was a VIP patient. She didn't want to go to the room in the first place since she got some bad vibes from Haon.

"Fine," Haon said as he smirked and eyed her up and down. She cleared her throat nervously as she checked the vital sign monitor before writing something in her notepad.

He bit his bottom lip as he reached his hand to her butt. She flinched in shock and stayed silent, moving away from the bed. She made sure there was a large gap between her and the bed.

"Relax," he stood up and stood close behind her as he traced her arm. She couldn't beat him to a pulp because he was a VIP patient, meaning that he could get her fired immediately.

She maintained her composed posture and he started to touch her butt again. She moved away and was about to leave until he slammed his hand against the wall, trapping her.

"Why don't you like me, Dr Kang? I'm rich, single and I can spoil you with expensive things. Just name it," he breathed out, leaning closer to her face.

She faced away and stayed quiet. He was about to kiss her as he slowly unbuttoned his clothes. She screamed at the top of her lungs and he aggressively cupped her mouth, "All you had to do was stay quiet!"

She bumped her head to his and he winced in pain. She was about to run but he gripped her arm tightly. She was amazed at his strength, considering that he was sick.

She wriggled to get out of his grip but he was too strong. The door slammed opened and Jay appeared before punching Haon in the face. He held Daera's wrist before pulling her behind him.

"What the fuck? She started it first! She seduced me!" Haon snapped. She scoffed, "I'm wearing a decent outfit! It's not even revealing! You fucking pervert asshole!"

"Get her fired, Dr Park! I can't stand having someone disrespect me like this!"

Daera gave the man a death stare before grabbing the nearest vase. She was about to hit him with it but Jay immediately held her back, "Calm down, Daera."

"Mr Jeon. I will not have you harass my staff sexually. You will be moved to a different hospital. End of discussion."

Jay intertwined his hand with hers before pulling her out of the room.

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