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There was one thing why the people love going to the rooftop. It relieves your stress, especially when you're all alone. Daera walked slowly and opened the door to the rooftop. To her surprise, Sunghoon was already there, drinking banana milk.

She hesitantly approached him before taking a seat next to him. He flinched in surprise and waited for her to sit down. "Did something happen? You rarely come here unless you're stressed," he asked as he opened another box of banana milk.

"You know me so well," she chuckled and lowered her gaze, staring at the wooden floor.

"I've liked you. Of course, I know."

She looked at him and averted her gaze again when he made eye contact. "Look, just because you rejected me doesn't mean you have to be awkward around me. I'm fine. I learnt that we are not meant for each other and I don't mind. You are still my friend tho," he frowned.

She laughed softly and nodded, feeling the burden lifting off her shoulders. He handed her banana milk and she happily took it.

"I heard what happened. Do you perhaps, want to visit the attacker?"

"You mean the guy who almost raped me?" She looked at him confusedly. He nodded, "Come on. It'll be fun. Maybe you can punch him?"

They both arrived at the police station and stepped into the building, seeing detectives walking around. They made their way to the jail and she saw the guy who attacked her.

"Daera, meet Ni-ki. He's the detective in charge here. He's the one who arrested the man," Sunghoon introduced the man that came and stood next to him.

"You guys know each other?" She asked as she shook the detective's hand. "I hired him to investigate the murder that is happening towards my ex-girlfriends."

"I guess you would want to see the attacker now?" Ni-ki said as he led them to the cell where the guy was. The guy was sitting at the corner as he watched the detectives working on their computers.

"Yah!" Daera called angrily. Everyone averted their eyes to her and some even whispered to each other. Sunghoon chuckled awkwardly, "Yah–"

"I guess you came because we haven't completed what we're supposed to do the other night. Come in then. I'll continue my work of killing you," the man smirked.

He approached the bars and held it, laughing like a psycho. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him aggressively. His face hit the bars and he groaned in pain.

Ni-ki and Sunghoon looked at her in awe as they watched her from behind.

"Who hired you? Who's your boss?!" She asked angrily, tightening her grip around his collars.

"Why should I tell you?!"

Daera took out a small blade from her pocket and held it against his neck. Sunghoon gasped in fear, "Where did you get that?"

"Oh, I took it from the operating room."

She gave the attacker a death stare and dug the blade into his skin. Blood started oozing out little by little. The man whimpered in fear, "It was Bae Yeona! Yeona hired me to kill you!"

"Yeona was behind all this?" Sunghoon asked in shock. Ni-ki was taking notes of the information in his notepad.

"She told me to kill Kang Daera. I had to continue the work since Hojun got killed by her."

"Why?" She asked confusedly. "Because Hojun refuses to kill you. I don't know why. He was about to give you something that night and Yeona assumed it was some information about her so she followed him to the hospital and killed him in the toilet."

"Oh my God. That's too much information," Sunghoon tried to process all the details. Ni-ki nodded and kept his notepad back into his pocket, "The details are all in here. Now, we just need to arrest her."

Jay walked around his house worriedly, searching for Daera. His phone suddenly beeped, signalling a text coming in from Sunghoon.

"Daera is with me. Don't worry."

He sighed and walked back to his room. He dialled Edlyn's number and waited for her to pick up the call. His eyes were stinging with tears that started pooling.

"What?" She answered. He smiled, "Just wanted to hear your voice. It's been a while since you visited me."

"Wait, did something happen? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly since she sensed that he was on the verge of tears.

"When can Jiah come? I'm quite lonely right now," he changed the topic. Edlyn knew he wouldn't tell her what was wrong so she smiled softly, "I'll be there with Jiah in an hour."

The call ended and he lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Maybe Daera and Sunghoon are really meant for each other. I should stop coming between them and just let it be.

If we were reborn again, I'll search for you all over the world to make you mine, Kang Daera.

I love you.

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