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Daera blinked slowly as the sun shined through the window of her room. The spot next to her was empty, signalling that Jay had already left. She exhaled heavily and looked around the room.

It felt empty and lonely. She missed Jay's embrace that kept her calm all night. She got out of bed and hugged herself as she searched for the said man. She saw Jay reading a magazine in the living room from the stairs.

He didn't look happy. His jawline was sharp as if he was biting his inner cheek out of frustration and annoyance. He saw her watching him and continued reading the magazine.

She approached him in fear and lowered her gaze, "I'm sorry about last night."

No response. He purposely ignored her as he turned to another page. She bit her bottom lip nervously and clasped her hands together, "I'm on my period so I thought it would be okay for me to just go to the convenience store to buy sanitary stuff."

He exhaled heavily and put the magazine down before walking to the kitchen, leaving her. She followed behind him, "I was too scared to tell you because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

He slammed his cup on the kitchen island and glared at her, "Why would I be uncomfortable? I'm a doctor. And I even have a little sister."

He walked past her as he headed to his office room. She was about to walk into the room but he turned around, making her bump into his chest.

"Did I say you can come in?" He asked, there was no soft tone in his voice. It was cold and stern. She felt annoyed and scoffed, "Why are you treating me like this?"

"Ask yourself," he snapped before slamming the door. She scoffed again as she rolled her eyes. She turned around and yelled, "I guess I'll just go out then. Talking to you here is useless."

She smirked and was already at the entrance door until a firm hand gripped her arm. Jay pulled her towards him and gave her a death stare, "Don't test me, Kang Daera."

"Or what?"

He sighed frustratedly and let go of her hand before stomping away. She rushed after him angrily, "Why can't we just talk this out?! Just talk to me! I didn't mean to leave just like that! And I thought nothing will happen since the store was just 3 minutes from here."

He finally faced her, "You think this is easy?! Didn't I tell you to inform me even if it's just 1 minute away? This is what makes me annoyed with you ever since we met. You are so stubborn and stupid! You can't even obey one simple order! If I weren't there to save you, you would get raped and die!"

She looked at him with startled eyes as he raised his voice at her. She blinked her tears away and scoffed, "I am stubborn and stupid. I'll promise to stop bothering you so you don't have to care about me after this. I'm sorry for being such a pain in your ass."

She bumped into his shoulder on purpose as she headed back to her bedroom and slammed the door. He ran his fingers through his hair in stress as he took a deep breath.

Heeseung stretched himself as he yawned tiredly. He just finished organising his shelf that Jake had told him to do so for months. He sat on the couch in his office and closed his eyes for a while.

He flinched in shock and the door was slammed open, revealing Daera in a casual outfit. "Daera! You scared me," he held his chest.

"May I help you with anything today? I don't care if you tell me to take over your surgery or anything."

He sighed and motioned for her to take a seat across from him, "Did something happen at home?"

"I don't know what to say. I guess you have heard what happened," she avoided eye contact. "The good news is the culprit got arrested. The bad news is, Jay must be very pissed right now and I guess you argued with him?" He said, his eyes fixed on his phone.

"I feel awful. He's still healing from his stab wound and he had to come and save me. And I felt annoyed arguing with him but when I think about it again, I felt awful and sorry."

Heeseung exhaled heavily and leaned back against the couch, "Do you know why he acts like that towards you?"

She shook her head no. He nodded and fixed his posture as he clasped his hands together, "You were his first love. And you rejected him. But he's a loyal person and his heart fell hard for you. He's still in love with you and he didn't care if you fall in love with Sunghoon."

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"Because he thinks that you will reject him again. And he thinks you deserve some happiness without him. He cares about you and he doesn't even care if he has to take a bullet for you. And he's my best friend. Daera, I like you as my junior, but I would like you to stop seeing Jay if you're just going to break his heart. I hate seeing him sad so if you don't like him, make it clear and leave him alone."

She was surprised at Heeseung's sudden words. She nodded and left the office, staring at the floor as she walked through the hallway.

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