Andy Burns a tree down and learns magic

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Eragon: Is it next time yet?

Andy: Yep, gonna need lots of flex tape for that.

Eragon: You don't have many friends do you?

Andy: Nope, you're the only one

Eragon: Back to the dragons, where did you get yours?

Andy: Found the egg while gathering wood for arrows, it was half buried in a river.

[Nice cover story]

Eragon: Mine appeared in a blaze of fire while I was hunting, scared off the deer.

Andy: Well at any rate, I'm not really sure what to do with mine, dragons grow super fast so I wont be able to keep her here for long.

Eragon: Mine has been living in the woods for a while now, recently it started talking in my head which is weird.

Andy: Oh yeah dragons do that, but usually only with their rider.

Eragon: It's so weird, I actually came to town to ask Brom about names, since he has a lot of knowledge of dragons.

Andy: Cool, mind if I tag along?

Eragon: Sure, could help you name yours.

---Timeskip brought to you by Andy bugging Eragon---

Brom: Dragon names?

Andy: Yeah, I need help naming mine, so does Eragon.

Brom froze at this before slowly looking towards the two

Brom: The two of you have dragons?

Andy: Yep.

Eragon: I thought we agreed to secrecy!

Andy: Oh come on Brom is trustworthy, I mean he come on, he loves dragons!

Brom: I do indeed know a number of dragon names, and I will share them with you if you will allow me to meet these dragons.

Andy: DONE!

---Big boy timeskip brought to you by a lazy author---

About two months after Brom learned about the dragons Andy was just vibing on the back of Ryuu... oh yeah he named her Ryuu by the way. Normally Eragon and brom would have left the town ages ago but apparently killing the Ra'zac delayed that by quite a bit.

Andy: Hey Ryuu?


Andy: I want a sword

Well then make one, or buy one.

Andy: Yeah but we won't get to the blacksmith that can make a sword with these materials for ages.

Ryuu: Then suffer

Andy: Fuck you I'm bored

[You could learn magic from Brom]

Andy: He refuses to teach us though, I mean I'm learning swordsmanship from him and I'm intermediate now but he hasn't even mentioned magic yet.

[because you haven't asked yet]

Andy: Wait, I just have to ask?

[Yeah bro]

Ryuu: Dumbass

Andy: God damn it, why are you like this Ryuu?

Ryuu: because we are connected by a bond so strong that literally nothing could replicate or destroy it so I took on a lot of your personality.

Andy and Ryuu kept bickering while Brom approached for the next training session. Seeing the two of them arguing made him chuckle.

Brom: It seems that you two are getting along well

Andy: Yeah I guess.

Brom: Well, are you ready for our next session?

Andy: Actually I was wondering when you were gonna teach me magic.

Brom: Hmm, magic requires the use of an ancient language which is difficult to learn. I would have to first teach you words in this language and then you would need to learn to reach into yourself and pull out the energy to cast the spell.

Andy: I've already learned the language, please just teach me how to access the magic.

Brom: I doubt you have learned the language but very well. You must focus on yourself, feel every part of your body and sense the power within your body. Then you pull on this power while speaking a word in the ancient language.

Andy sat and focused on himself, eventually he was able to find and draw upon the power Brom spoke of. He got a grip on it and drew upon it, bringing it forth

Andy: BURN

The world heard and obeyed, catching a nearby tree on fire.

[Congratulations, you've learned "Command magic" anything you say will happen, so long as your intent is clear, and your mana strong enough]

Andy: Huh?

Wait, according to this, he doesn't need a specific language, he just needs to say something and it happens... he wasted so much money on that book.

Andy took a deep breath

Released it, then


[You good?]

Andy: yeah just needed to get that out.

Brom had long since left, Andy took literal hours feeling for his magic, so he just dipped leaving Ryuu to keep him safe.

Andy: Wait since I don't exactly use the same magic does that mean wards don't work against my spells?

Ryuu: That would be dumb, just because you have a different magic doesnt mean you can bypass wards

[Technically no, but it does make it harder for people to block them]

Andy: Could I potentially kill Galbatorix at this point?


Andy: System? Bro?

{New Quest: Kill the mad king.

Reward: Transformation magic for Ryuu, and the great elven blacksmith will make you a sword.

Penalty: Enslavement the hands of the mad king}

Andy: I'll take that as a yes, now how to get there

Ryuu: Just ride me.

Andy: OK, phrasing, but that works, Brom made us a saddle to use, so let's go!

And so the duo (Trio?) left to kill Galbatorix, the mad king.

(A/N): so real quick, the main reason I started in Eragon was for the magic system. but it would be annoying to write the spells in a language I only sort of know, so I did the command magic. it works the same way, but its a different type meaning he isn't governed by the laws of Eragon magic, which can be changed by anyone who knows the true name of the ancient language. at any rate, I'm still figuring out where to send our boi and dragon waifu next, so ideas are appreciated. At any rate, see you in the next chapter, PEACE! 

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