A one Armed Dude Causes Chaos at Camp Half-Blood

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The mysterious boy had stumbled into camp half blood two days ago, he had white hair that almost hurt to look at, and in place of his right arm there was a metallic port, like something was supposed to attach there. He walked past the border and made it to the big house before falling face first on the porch. They quickly got him into the infirmary and the Apollo cabin worked their magic, literally. Now they were simply waiting for him to wake up.

Camp activities were going as normal, capture the flag was about to start. The specific teams are a bit more complex, but simply put it was Athena vs Ares. The battle started and right off the bat Athena's side seemed to be in favor to win. They had a perfect blend of offense and defense. with their most powerful player, Percy Jackson, holding the border at the river. No one could get past him, the water was his domain. So the game ended after only a few minutes as the flag came floating past, carried by Athena's invisible cabin leader Annabeth. After the game was over they all went to the amphitheater for the campfire. And that was when we woke up, he came walking into the area with a confused look on his face. His arm was missing and he hadn't bothered to put a shirt on so his missing arm was clear to see. The singalongs stopped and the fire died down low, as it reflected the energy of the campers.

Andy: Where- Who?

Then he saw his arm, or lack thereof, and had a panic attack. Chiron had to pick him up and carry him to the big house, a couple of the older campers followed so see if they could help. Once they got there and Andy had calmed down, they started talking.

Chiron: Do you know how you got here?

Andy: No.

Chiron: Do you remember anything?

Andy: Only my name, Attam Anderson, but I think I preferred Andy.

Chiron: Hmm. well for now, get some rest, you will stay in the Hermes cabin tonight, in the morning someone will show you around camp.

Andy followed Chiron to the cabin, which for some reason he expected to be more crowded. But there was an open bunk that he took. He laid down and was asleep in a matter of seconds. The next morning he wandered to the pavilion where a couple of campers were hanging out. He really felt as if he did not fit in, he did not belong here. He saw Chiron and walked over to him, the centaur made sense to him. He was kind and smart, he seemed to understand his memory loss, and he hoped he might be able to fix it.

Chiron: Hello Attam.

Andy winced at his first name, he had no idea why.

Chiron: I see, would you prefer I called you Anderson?

Andy: That, or Andy.

Chiron: Very well, Anderson. Breakfast is in ten minutes or so, after that I will have Percy show you the camp.

Andy: Thank you sir.

Chiron: Please, call me Chiron.

Andy nodded, and the conch horn blew, signaling breakfast. He fell in at the back of his cabin line, around 20 or so mischievous kids. They all sat at the Hermes table and Andy was enjoying himself. He loved the barbeque food, it made him feel warm and happy, like he was home. After breakfast he found Percy, who was really cool. He showed him all the areas of camp, the rock wall was his favorite, it had lava and shook like an earthquake. Andy got familiar with all the cabins, and learned that there were a lot more being built. Apparently Percy had made the gods promise to claim all their demigod children, and that meant that they had to build cabins for a lot of minor gods.

Percy: you look around 16 or so, your godly parent should claim you pretty soon once they notice you made it here. It should happen by the campfire tonight.

Andy managed a smile, then they went to try all the activities, see if any of them stuck. They started with archery... then immediately realized that you need two arms to use a bow. They went on to try horseback riding, but the horses seemed to hate Andy, and Percy said the horses thought he "Smelled of chaos" which Andy didn't really get. Then they tried the rock wall.

Percy: From here you jump as high as you can, then climb as fast as possible to avoid the lava.

Andy nodded and jumped as hard as he could at the wall, he bounced off of it like a pong game and somehow landed on his feet at the top. Percy seemed startled at this, but he shrugged it off and called up to him.

Percy: Impressive bouncing skills!

They went to swordplay next, but first they stopped by the weapons shed. There was a wide array of swords and such weapons, axes, bows, spears... was that an anti material rifle?

Percy: Alright, let's find a weapon for you. Hmm any ideas off the bat?

Andy: Sword.

Percy grinned, apparently he liked swords.

Percy: Good choice, now then!

Percy gathered all the swords he could find and laid them out in front of Andy.

Percy: Take your pick.

Andy walked along the swords, none of them really stuck out to him. Then he caught something in the corner of his eye and walked over to it. It was a katana. It seemed to be made of different types of metal, it was like it was made of iron, bronze, and gold all at the same time. He picked it up and tested the weight in his hands. It was perfect. Percy looked the blade up and down like it was the strangest thing he had ever seen.

Andy: This one.

Percy: Huh... weird sword, oh well.

The sword fighting went rather well, Andy demolished everyone he fought, except for Percy. He couldn't seem to get a hit on the guy. After that they had lunch and checked out the other activities. Then they had dinner and after that, the campfire. Everyone was having a great time, they were singing off-key, almost getting shoved in the fire, at some point someone "accidentally" threw a javelin and nailed Percy in the head, but he was fine. Around this time Andy was so happy with how he was he forgot about his Amnesia for a moment, and immediately regretted it. Because the moment he did, everything stopped and everyone was looking at him. Wait no, they were looking above him. Andy looked up and saw an eight pointed star, like a compass. Then Chiron walked forward and announced what it meant.

Chiron: Hail: Attam Anderson, son of Chaos!

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