Streetracing, And Adoption.

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Andy needed a break. He needed to take a day after Eragon left. So where did he go? Good old Earth, a very particular one. He was currently driving an AE86 down a mountain at speeds that should be (And are) illegal. He was numb to the rest of the world, at least until someone passed him.

Andy: Panda Trueno from a tofu shop, yep that's him.

Andy pressed the gas even more, increasing his already ludicrous speeds. And he was neck in neck with his opponent. They were both going faster than their old cars had any right being. Then, around a hairpin turn, the opponent sunk their tires in the gitter, making around the corner way too fast. Andy was unfazed by this and just copied the move, and actually passed him.

Andy: Ohh boy he is probably freaking out, some random dude in the same model of car just used his own move against him. Come on Takami, what else have you got?

The race just got faster and faster, like seriously, these cars are ancient, how are they even going this fast? Oh shit, the end is in sight. Literally side by side, at this point it would be a tie.

Andy: Sorry, but I have a little thing called NOS. just flip this, press this, and boom.\

Andy got a small boost of speed and barely, but noticeably, won the race. They both pulled into a rest stop a mile or so down the road, they hopped out of their cars.

Takumi: Who are you? I've never lost on this course.

Andy: Well, I'm just some old street racer, my name is Andy.

Takumi: Your driving was so smooth, how did you get that good?

Andy: Lots of practice. Where I come from pretty much everywhere you go there's a streetrace. That and I'm used to a lot of ice, it's nice to be able to go all out on some dry roads.

[Hey bro, you've got a quest.]

[Save Powder from insanity]

[Rewards: Protecc the smile]

Andy: Well it's nice meeting you, but I have to go take care of some business.

He grabbed his car and shoved it in his inventory, then opened up a portal to the Arcane universe. After walking through the portal, he noticed he was in a warehouse. The warehouse. He looked down and saw the clapper monkey, about to explode. He just picked it up, and gripped the blue crystal. Huh this thing is just pure magic... NOM.

Andy: Well that's that, my job he-

He fucking exploded. Blood everywhere. After a second Andy was just standing there, fine.

Andy: Well shit.

Suddenly, another explosion went off. Andy rushed to the site, and saw everyone dead. And Powder sitting there, crying. Oh shit. Andy did the only thing he could, and walked up to small crying girl, kneeling in front of her.

Andy: Hey, you're gonna be alright.

Powder immediately hugged him. Andy hugged her back, he understood her situation. She had just lost everyone she loved. She needed something to latch on to, to keep her sane. It just happened that he was the one she latched on to. Andy picked her up in his arms and opened a portal home.

Andy: Let's get you somewhere safe.

And so, Andy walked through the portal with a small blue haired child in his arms.

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