Hey Kids Wanna See a Dead Body?

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None of them were really sure what to think of their homeroom teacher. He broke a door down to introduce himself and then made them test their quirks instead of initiation. Overall they all thought one thing: He was weird. They all shrugged off the weird feeling they had about their odd homeroom, and filed into the gym, which was really just a giant outdoor area with cliffs and such. They had no idea where their P.E. teacher was, so they just kinda stood there. After a while the doors opened and a man they all recognized entered, the pro hero Red Riot.

Kirishima: Hello kids, who's ready to work yourselves half to death?

The next hour and a half was practically hell, they worked so hard that they could barely walk and they all stumbled into their next class.

—The next day—

UA runs on a block schedule, meaning that classes switched every other day, the only constant being homeroom... where the door had yet to be replaced. They all filed into the homeroom and waited for their teacher to arrive. They talked amongst themselves and after a while their teacher walked through the wall.


His prothstetic arm punched him. The class went from screaming to launching in record time.

Andy: Anyways you guys have basic heroics today, which will take up the whole day. While your other days will be purely academic, these days will be fully dedicated to improving you as heroes. And in about ten minutes you have your first lesson.

He pressed a button and the side of the room opened up and dispensed canisters with numbers on them.

Andy: These are your hero costumes, made as specified. Take the one with your number and be at site Gamma in ten minutes.

They all excitedly grabbed their costumes and rushed to the locker rooms. They all changed out pretty fast and found their way to site Gamma. They were met with a man wearing a full crusader getup. He just stood in the middle of the street by the entrance.

Nicholi: You're Crusader, ranked top 100 internationally!

Andy: Yes, I am. During my class, basic heroics, we will be in full hero costume.

There was no mistaking that voice. They all sat in silence as they figured out just who their hyperactive teacher was... for roughly ten seconds before he started talking.

Andy: Well then, today we have something exciting for you all... team building exercises.

They all groaned and made other noises of complaint but Andy clapped his hands to bring their attention back.

Andy: Now then, it's time I introduce some special guests. Ladies and gents, might I introduce the number 1 and 2 hero's. Deku and Dynamight.

On cue the two of them walked out from some buildings and stood next to Andy. Then he pulled out some sets of bells.

Andy: Each of us will be wearing these on our waist. For full points today one member from your team must grab a bell off their individual instructor. If you just want a passing, then you can also run away. You will be split into three groups, each of you will be going against one of the three of us.

They got sorted into their groups and the team that was with Andy let out a sigh of relief. That was until Deku walked over and gave them a smile.

Deku: Don't think you guys have it easy, he smashed all of my records in strength.

With that somber note, Deku walked off to prepare his group, leaving the group worried. Anyways, here's the setup:

Deku's group;

Nicholi, Kei, Oki, Haru, and Mesa.

Bakugo's group:

Jeremy, George, Emma, and Reiko.

Andy's Group:

Taylor, Ojiro, Jip, Jep, Jap, and Yume.

—to the testing grounds—

Now before you write these kids their obituary, Andy put restrictions on himself. No magic, no aura, and adjusted strength.

Andy: Alright kids, you have five minutes to take up positions.

Andy waited for them to get their positions, keeping tabs on the direction that each of them took. He idly decided that if they attacked as a team he would allow one coordinated attack to hit. When the time was out he took a single step and fell into what seemed to be liquid concrete. Must have been Taylor, then he noticed that the triplets were all standing at the edge, with their hands dipped into the concrete. The realization hit him like lightning, Taylor's liquid must conduct electricity. He grinned as they electrocuted him. Then Ojiro came in from behind and wrapped his tail around him.

Ojiro: WE GOT YOU!

Andy: You had Taylor make the ground liquid, knowing that I would take that first step. Your plan was to stun me with the triplets and then lock me here with your tail. I assume that Yume is asleep somewhere on communications. That just leaves Taylor that I can't account for.

On cue the little gremlin came rushing in from behind. She slapped her hands against the ground and the concrete was solid once more. Ojiro then let him go and they surrounded him. Andy simply took his helmet off and decided to monologue.

Andy: Well thought out plan, you managed to utilize the compatibility of your quirks quite well. You clearly have knowledge of your own quirks which allow for complex strategies. However you became too fixated on making me immobile that you forgot the purpose of this test, the bells.

The triplets were zonked out and had almost no cognitive function left, but the other two seemed to get it.

Taylor: The bells are attached at your waist. We just encased our only way at a full score in concrete.

Andy: Well done, indeed you have. Now I will give you a few options, you can either release me and try to get the bells back, or leave me and try to escape.

Taylor: Well obviously we can't do the same trick again, so we will run.

Ojiro: Wait, what's the catch?

Andy: Well you see the catch is that I will give you a taste of what I am capable of if you run.

Taylor: let's just run, he can't get out of there even with his strength.

The two of them turned away and grabbed the triplets, they started walking away until they heard Andy speak once more.

Andy: You know why I took my helmet off?

The sound of his voice was right behind them, they turned around and saw that he was standing there like nothing had happened.

Andy: It makes it harder to see, you lot gave me enough trouble that I had to take it off to have a chance. Now as promised, A taste of what a pro is capable of.

He let his aura slip past the boundaries of his body and it let loose, the pressure was too much for any of the students to handle, the triplets passed out, Taylor threw up and Ojiro lost the strength in his knees, falling down on them. Just as suddenly as it happened it was gone. But the damage was done, they had all passed out.

Andy: Oops, Might've let a bit too much loose. Ah they all passed out... shit I need to get them to Eri.

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