Training Time... Again.

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After breakfast Andy literally picked Yang and Seras up by their collars.

Andy: Training time.

Yang: Ok but why?

Andy: Because Sayians.

Seras: Fucking what?

Andy: Basically the two of you have the blood of this alien race known as the Sayians. And in order to get stronger I need to teach you two to use Ki.

Yang: Alright, now put us down.

Andy: No.

—Skip to the time chamber—

Andy put them down, there was no arguing with Yang.

Yang: Is this where you were yesterday?

Andy: Yep, this door leads to a place where time moves a fuck ton faster, one year in there, is one day out here.

Yang: Well at least you were only gone for a day this time.

Andy: Now come on, we need to get started.

Andy pulled them into the time chamber and immediately showed them how to use Ki while explaining the Sayian forms.

Andy: So basically with a strong enough emotion and a high enough Ki level a Sayian can go into this form called super Sayian, which multiplies their power.

Seras: So that thing I did when we got you back?

Andy: Yep, though that was an extreme case since you had no Ki training. Your pure emotions pulled that form out, so it was incomplete. Now focus, sense the natural energy flowing through your body, and then direct it out of your hands.

Almost immediately Yang and Seras were shooting out basic Ki blasts.

Andy: Nice, keep that up, I am going to try to figure out these upgrades on my arm.

Andy sat and started pushing buttons on his arm. Nothing insane happened at first, just some hidden blades and guns. At one point a countdown started, but he managed to turn it off. After a while he found a cone shaped depression in his shoulder.

Andy: No way...

He pulled out his core drill and it fit perfectly.

Andy: Oh hell yeah.

He turned the key and immediately felt like his arm was stronger, like his good mood was making it better.

Ryuu: Oh I like that.

Andy: Me too, I'm leaving that on.

Ryuu: No objections here.

Andy kept messing with his arm, he discovered a rubber band gun, a coffee machine, a miniature sun, some runes, a stash of weapons and food shrunk with pym particles, some legos, a warp drive from 40K, a muffin button, flappy bird, gatorade, at least five empty soda cans, and a gun. Then he was distracted by Seras falling face first into the ground.

Andy: Careful, too much will make you pass out.

Seras: I hate you sometimes.

Andy: Sorry, I forgot.

Yang: How about a break for now?

Andy: Sure, let's get some food.

The next couple months passed like that, Eat, Train, Sleep, repeat. After a while Yang and Seras were getting used to using Ki and could hold their flight constantly with no effort. Andy remembered his mana crystals after the first week and had been steadily chomping on them. He genuinely had no idea how many he had, but he didn't feel like he was close to done with them. He could just crush all of them at once, but he wanted to get used to the magic slowly. He had trained his Aura beyond imagination during his imprisonment, which had drastically increased his strength, but he needed his magic to catch up. He did not bother working with his new spiral powers in his arm, he knew the best way for that was the heat of battle.

Andy: Hey!

Yang: Yeah?

Andy: I'm gonna go test my abilities out, maybe talk to some guys on the way. I'll be back before too long!

Yang: Alright, this place is good but you need real practice.

Andy: Try not to kill each other while I'm gone.

With that he cut open a portal to another world and walked through it.

—With Andy—

Andy walked out onto a battlefield. No this was far too dark to be a battlefield. This was a demented slaughter.

Andy: Oh goodie, it worked.

Andy waded through the ocean of blood and gore to a point where someone was still fighting, killing anything in his way. He watched and noticed the man's left arm was missing, so he was a bit late. He noticed the place starting to clear out, and a portal closing. He grabbed the edge of the portal and walked right through. Andy then grabbed one of the guys and pulled him out of the portal before letting it close.

Andy: Now then, Griffith. I am going to let you go, only because there are two people who deserve to kill you more than me, but I will help them kill you. However, let it be known that you will not win, Guts may be a mere man but he is comprised of approximately 110% rage and hatred for you now, so you best watch your every move you pretty fuck.

Andy threw him into a new portal he made and walked to Guts and Casca. He did a quick checkover and healed Guts of his more life threatening injuries. Then he placed his hand over Casca's head and began the task of piecing her mind back together. He had to manually pull her thoughts together and literally pull her consciousness out of the darkest parts of her mind, but in the end all he could do was make her aware of herself and her surroundings. He could do nothing to help her overcome her trauma.

With that over, Andy unlocked Guts and Casca's aura and left. He saw no reason to stay and alter the story further, so he figured getting Casca lucid and the both of them a decent powerup would be good. After that he went back to his old home, the now destroyed RWBY universe.

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