Backstory and Fucking Aizen up

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(A/N: SO, I've had this portion written out since chapter one, but I needed a way to post it. I had to clean it up and work it into the situation, and I was gonna post it tomorrow. But honestly? I don't wanna. Also! Disclaimer: Some heavy themes, Might trigger some trauma. And none of this is based on any true stories. So here, have fun)

Andy: Well, I was born in Alaska, which you guys don't know what or where that is, so thing Atlas, but less tyranny. Safe to say it was freezing there for a good chunk of the year. My dad was a shithead, he was an alcoholic. Safe to say he was almost never in his right mind, he would beat me constantly, and my mother never found out. That's actually where most of these scars come from. I once walked across a frozen lake when I was six because he overdosed and I thought he was asleep, so I went to find my mom. That was what made my mom get a divorce. We also got a restraining order on him and didn't see him again for a long time. When I was sixteen, he came barging into our house on my birthday. He had started harassing my mom, and actually pulled a gun on her, saying she needed to give him money. I had gotten a new hunting rifle for my birthday, and I used it for the first time that same day. He did get a shot off and managed to kill my mother. I was sent to a correctional facility for three years after that. That facility is the closest thing to hell you can get without going there. They didn't correct anything, just beat you and told you how you were trash. So when I got out, I started a revolution. We toppled state after state, causing a civil war in the United States. We were storming the capital when I was shot, died, and ended up here.

The room was dead silent. No one wanted to say anything, Ruby was crying, so was Powder. Most of them were just in shock. Andy had led a civil war? The fuck? Finally one of them decided to speak.

Yang: Was there anything else you wanted to share while we are doing this?

Andy: No, I think I'm done with this. You guys probably hate me for all this.

Faux: You kidding? I led a revolution against Atlas, I mean obviously it failed, but hey! And then we all destroyed Atlas literally a few hours ago.

Yang: I won't judge, also stop crying Ruby.


Powder: YEAH!

Nova: I don't really get why we would hate you for this.

Blake: I'm more worried about Weiss becoming a Faunus.

Weiss: Later, but yeah none of us really care, you are who you are now, I don't really care how you got here.

Andy had started to cry, he didn't really know why. Future Andy walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Future Andy: Dry your tears and look at yourself.

Andy wiped his tears and looked at his body, sure enough his body was back to normal. He looked up at his future self and smiled, before looking concerned.

Andy: Who's flying?

Future Andy: Powder is, she always takes over for me... this is the past. She is standing right there. WELL I GOTTA GO BYE!

Future Andy shoved Andy back into his body and dipped.



Andy: FUCK!

Andy rushed to the controls, and pulled up. He managed to avoid the ground but slammed into someone and was now face to face with Aizen.

Andy: SHIT!



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