The Trials Begin, For Everyone.

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Andy was having a wonderful time. He was in purgatory, the seven deadly sins Verizon not the actual one. And he was just murdering left and right, the black shadow demon things were really quite squishy. It took him a while of constant destruction and regeneration for his defense stat to get high enough for basic survival. But now he had a maxed out cold and heat resistance!

Andy: Quest stats

[trial 1: kill everything in purgatory]

[progress: 304,285/7,000,000,000]

[time spent: 50,000 years (bout a month to everyone else)]

Now you may be thinking: how the hell is Andy sane? well he never was but he was allowed to buy one thing during the trial and got the gamer's mind. So he's immune to psychological damage. So he can't get more crazy.

Andy: this is gonna take a while...

—back with the rest of the group, a bit after Andy disappeared—

Ruby: And then he just walked into the portal.

Weiss: I would say good riddance but he was the only one who knew how to fly the ship

Yang: I kinda liked the crazy jerk, he was fun.

Faux: Welp there goes my supply depo, he gave me some cool stuff to work with. Gave me this crystal and a really powerful battery, I'm still figuring out what to do with it.

A portal appeared next to them, at this point they were kinda used to it so no one really reacted. But they were surprised that the person to walk out wasn't Andy

Eragon: Hello, I'm Eragon, and I'm here to train you lot.

Yang: Oh? And what are you gonna teach us, pretty boy?

Eragon: Swordsmanship, archery, and magic for those with the talent.

Weiss: And what makes you think you can teach us anything? We've been training for years.

Eragon: Well, why don't I show you? All of you, draw your weapons and come at me. Hold nothing back.

Eragon drew his sword and planted it in the ground.

Eragon: I'll even lower my wards so you have a fighting chance.

The group looked at each other before a general consensus of "fuck it" was reached. The first to move was Yang, who charged Eragon head on with a right hook. It was caught and she was thrown.

Eragon: I said together, else you stand no chance.

They all charged at once, each team interchanging and working rather well together, Ace and Ruby in the back sniping with any opening, Yang, Phyrrah, and Faux going for the close range, everyone else supporting in some way or another. And they got their asses handed to them on a platter.

Eragon: that won't do. You need to work as a team better. But for now we focus on you lot as individuals, so starting off, Faux you rely on your gadgets too much, we need to work on your overall skill. Phyrrah, you have a strong semblance, use it more. Yang, strategy. Ruby, you need to work on hand to hand. Blake, you need to work on confidence in your attacks, sneaky does not mean cowardly. Weiss, your speed is good, but your teamwork and strength could use some work. Ace, good job. Lee, use your abilities. Nova, too much explosive for one attack, you need to spread it out for maximum efficiency. Ren, we need to get you weapons that do something. Nora, we need to work on control. And Jaune?

Jaune: Yeah?

Eragon: Let's start with the basics, ok?

Jaune: yeah that's fair

And so their torture started. 

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