Mana Crystals And a Taco

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(A/N: I HAVE RETURNED AFTER uhh about two weeks? Yeah about that long. At any rate, no you don't get to know why exactly I was gone but hey I'm back so who even cares? Anyways I decided to just go with the version of RWBY that I made a different fic about, don't bother reading it there's nothing there that won't be brought up here and I am not proud of that fic. ONWARDS)


[You sure?]

Andy: WAIT, get rid of abused and neglected ones plz, but then randomize.

[Done, off you go]

And with that Andy and Ryuu were teleported to the new shop somewhere in Remnant... why is it so cold? Is he in Atlas? Wait no, the skyline is normal, it's just winter. Probably Vale, is he in a cafe? Seems like it, guess that's his new shop.

Andy: Well at least I have barista experience.


Andy: Big mountain, southeast.

Ryuu: Thanks, I will be back.

Andy: His name is Kevin by the way.

(If you get the reference, then cookies for you)


Andy: Dope, I'm gonna see if I can extort Ozpin for money.

[How so?]

Andy: How much do I currently have?

[325 right now]

Andy: Alright buy six mana crystals and a taco with the last 25.

[I got you fam]

With the mana crystals in his inventory and a taco in hand Andy made his way to beacon.

Andy: Man I should've asked Ryuu to drop me off before she left.

[hmm, yeah but panic]

Andy: Fair enough, Imma just do some magic, freak ol' Oz out. Beam me up Scotty.

Andy felt time warp around him and with an audible *POP* He appeared at the front gates.

Andy: Wow that took a lot of mana, worth it though. Well guess I'll make my way to the tower of Oz.

Andy started walking towards the tower at the center of the school. He was quite enjoying it actually, and was taking in all the scenery. Beautiful fountains, high arches, fantastic gardens, props to the groundskeeper, also a very angry witch walking towards him.

Glynda: Who do you think you are walking in here like this? You need to leave the grounds immediately.

Andy: Actually I'm here to visit Oz, I got something to help kill salem.

Glynda: How do you know of her?

Andy: *Takes a bite of his taco*

Glynda: Excuse me I asked yo-

Ozpin: Ah, just the man I wanted to see. I assume it was you who opened the spatial rift at my front gates?

Andy: Yep, also here

Andy pulled a mana crystal out of his inventory and shoved it in Ozpin's mouth. It shattered on impact and Ozpin absorbed the power. He just sat there for a moment before grinning.

Ozpin: Why don't we continue this in my office Mister...?

Andy: Anderson, please call me Andy.

And so the two walked off leaving a very confused Glynda behind.

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