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Andy had experienced many things, but having his own arm drop on him to wake him up was new. He woke up to his prosthetic falling on his face.

Andy: What the hell?

Yang was already awake and off doing something, so he turned on the light and checked out his arm. It was the same base template, but it had a lot of alterations. It also had a note "Hey, we have no idea who you are, but this dropped by and we all added something. Whoever you are, we hope you like it, even though we have no idea what all happened to this arm, we know it is important to you, and we all left our marks."

Andy looked it over and found so many new features he had no way of finding them all right now, he knew some were magical but he only cared about one thing.

Andy: Hey Ryuu.

Ryuu: I'm getting tired of getting separated from you.

Andy: Love you too, let's get you reattached.

The attachment system was simple, and Andy had no problems getting it set up. After he got it all set up he went to get some breakfast, which was what Seras and Yang were doing.

Andy: Morning.

Seras: You found your arm! Great, means I don't have to kill you.

Andy: Yep, it got passed around and upgraded when I lost it.

Yang: Well at any rate, eggs on the counter, plenty left for ya.

Andy: Thanks.

Andy grabbed a veritable mountain of scrambled eggs and ate all of them within the minute, leaving nothing on his plate.

Yang: How do you eat that much?

Andy: I need the energy, technically I can get all the energy I need from the plants around me but I like food. Also I'm gonna be gone for a day to get used to some new powers, but after that I will be here for as long as I can.

Yang: Good, because if you are gone for more than 24 hours I'm gonna murder you.

Andy: Give or take an hour.

Yang: Fine.

Andy: Alright, I should be back around this time tomorrow, love you two! Oh and Seras, we are gonna spend as much time together as we can when I get back.

Seras: Sounds good.

Andy got up and walked into the woods, his preferred area for crusader stuff. Then he pulled out his portable hyperbolic time chamber, it was literally just a door. But when he opened it it was exactly as he remembered. A white void.

Andy: Let's get it started in here!

He walked in and immediately started working. He started with his new demon powers, Trying out the forms and mixing them with his Dragon transformation, and hybrid forms. All combined they boosted him by about four times. Which is absurd at his level, and he needed everything he could get. He played with the dragon slayer stuff, but he mostly got that for shits and giggles, it did very little for him at the moment. He tested out his haki, and discovered to no surprise that he had conqueror's haki. He trained with haki for the first few months, and got pretty good at using it. After that he started training his Ki. He had no issues with his physical strength but he needed to up his Ki if he wanted to use any of the Saiyan forms. He spent most of his time just training his Ki, using meditations and focus training mostly. He got a good reservoir of Ki after about seven months. He then focused on trying to obtain the super Saiyan forms. He got the first form with no problems but immediately hit a roadblock. He could only hold it for roughly five minutes, so he went back to Ki training. He spent the rest of his year training his Ki and got up to about ten minutes of sustained super Saiyan. After all that he barely made it back in time for breakfast. 

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