Wait an Update? NEET LIED TO YOU ALL!

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(A/n: Things are gonna get confusing if you Didn't read "Lost in the multiverse" so go read that if ya haven't, or don't I'm not yer mom.)

Andy was a little annoyed, he got teleported right before Yang was gonna say something. Anyways, where is he? Looks like a school? It Seemed to be a hallway, there were plenty of people in there, some seemed nervous, some were sleeping, most were just waiting on their phones. A door opened and someone walked out with a list, calling a name. This continued for a while until no one was left but him. The guy walked out and looked at his list.

Caller guy: Attam Anderson?

Andy got up and walked over to him, shaking his hand.

Andy: Please, call me Andy.

Andy was led into the room and when he saw the interviewer he immediately knew where he was.

Nezu: Hello, My name is Nezu and I will be your interviewer.

Andy: Nice to meet you sir, My name is Andy.

Nezu: Have a seat, let's get started.

Andy sat down and waited patiently for the rat bear thing that was the principle to finish his tea.

Nezu: I see you have the value of patience, now. You have applied for the position of class 1B's homeroom teacher, is this correct?

Andy: It would seem that way.

Nezu: You have no other prerequisites that qualify you for this position, other than that of you having a hero's license under the name "Crusader"

Andy: Yes sir.

Nezu: And until this point you were never in our database, however our tech experts could find no evidence that our systems had been hacked.

Andy: Yuuuup.

Nezu: I see no reason not to hire you.

Andy: Makes sense to me.

Nezu: We do need to test your quirk however.

Andy: Sure, throw whatever you want at me.

Nezu threw a pencil, it bounced off.

Nezu: Please proceed to the testing grounds.

Andy stood up and walked out the door, he followed a directory until he found the testing grounds. He walked in and found a punching machine, alongside several obstacle courses and such. The intercom came to life and he heard a bored voice which he recognized as Aizawa speak.

Aizawa: Please continue to the punching machine, and hit it as hard as you can.

Andy walked up to the machine and looked it up and down, before deciding "Fuck it" And taking a stance, readying his fist to strike. He then hit it with what looked like a relaxed punch that couldn't have even registered on the machine, but with no delay the counter on the side went up... and up.... and up.... Until finally it maxed out. The rest of the tests went pretty well, Andy crushed all the records set by pro heroes. Then after it he left the school and immediately ran into a problem.

Andy: I have nowhere to stay.

After some wandering he settled in the middle of the woods in a nice tree. He got nice and comfy, certainly beats being chained to a wall. He fell asleep with no problems and was woken up in the morning by Ryuu using his arm to swing him out of the tree.

Andy: I'M UP!

Ryuu: I know.

Andy: Then please let me down.

Ryuu: Fine. We should go back to that school.

Andy: Sure why not?

They wandered back to UA and were met with Aizawa outside the gates.

Aizawa: Oh hey, You're the guy we were gonna hire, come on in I'll get you used to the facilities.

Andy followed him around the school, learning where everything was. Eventually they got to the dorms.

Aizawa: These are the dormitories, where students and teachers stay. If you need a place to sleep right now, talk to Nezu and he will get you a room.

With his housing problem solved Andy was much happier, He talked to Nezu and got a room in the 1B dorms, the teacher's room actually seeing as he was hired. He got comfy in his room and got ready for the teacher training he was going to have to take to actually be able to teach.

A Crusader in EragonWhere stories live. Discover now