Deus Vult!

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Andy and Ryuu were about to leave when the space in front of them distorted and split open, and out came a blood soaked man with black hair, silver eyes and holding the BFG and Super shotty.

[Oh shit]

(y/n): Where's the stuff that I need to kill?

Andy: Who the fuck are you?

(y/n): I am known by many names, but you may call me (y/n).

Andy: Alright, are you a crusader?

(y/n): Yes, now wheres the stuff I need to murder?

Andy: Event has yet to start

[You have 24 hours]

Andy: Thanks Bro. 24 hours.

[No problem, by the way be careful, this guy is dangerous.]

(y/n): Aww, so no killing yet? Well can I get a shower and some food?

Andy: Sure thing, come with me.

What exactly do you mean this guy is dangerous?

[Remember the guy who got infinite magic?]

Yeah, what about him?

[You just met him.]

Oh shit... we win.

[He is a bit of an idiot though.]

(Emil Emil: ouch, but also true.

(y/n): So where are we going?

Andy: My cafe, I've got scones and stuff. Also a shower in the back.

(y/n): Cool, cool... So how long have you been a crusader?

Andy: About a year... maybe more?

(y/n): Huh, I've been doing this for uhhh... I have no idea now that I think about it.

Andy: Probably longer than me.

(y/n) What makes you say that?

Andy: Hunch.

(y/n): So who's the girl?

Ryuu: I am Ryuu, Andy's partner.

Andy: Yep, best and honestly only friend.

Ryuu: We share a life bond!

Andy: Yes Ryuu... Yes we do.

(y/n): She is certainly interesting. How long have you guys known each other?

Ryuu: My whole life.

Andy: Since I became a crusader. Also we are here.

They were indeed there, at the cafe that is named cafe. Supplier of coffee and tea, and anything in between but most importantly for (y/n) food and a shower.

Andy: Shower is in the back area, on the left.

--Small time skip brought to you by Andy cooking like its food wars---

(y/n) had a wonderful shower, he felt like a new crusader. He came out of the bathroom refreshed and clean. He then made his way into the main cafe to get some food.

(y/n): Hey Andy can I get some food?

As Andy turned around to reply he went quiet.

Andy: Did you just showered with your armor on?

In response (y/n) just stood there with his crusader helmet, chainmail on his body covered only by a white cloth with a red cross on it.

Andy: Yep got some tacos.

A Crusader in EragonWhere stories live. Discover now