Magical Shed Breaks Reality

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Andy was unsure of how he felt with the revelation. Apparently his godly parent was Chaos itself. The symbol of Chaos, the eight pointed star, had then stuck to his arm as a tattoo. That night he slept in the Hermes cabin, because there was no cabin for Chaos... Or he would if he slept. He spent the whole night awake, wondering who he was, trying to wrap his head around being a son of Chaos. According to Chiron, Chaos was the oldest force in Greek mythology. How exactly that would manage to have a half human child was beyond him. He had so many questions, none of which there seemed to be any answers to.

—Meanwhile... somewhere—

God was sitting, watching Andy with interest. There were two other entities in the room, Satan and The Author. God seemed to be thinking something over.

God: Author.

Author: Yes my lord?

God: This has got to be the craziest trial I have ever seen.

Author: I know, right?

God: I had planned to reveal his lineage after he was mentally prepared, but you erased his memories and then had him claimed, he could very well go insane.

Author: He is far more resilient than even I thought.

God: Yes, he is rather unpredictable, but he has a good soul. Very well I will go along with this and restore him as a crusader if he succeeds in this trial.

Satan: Hmm... and I thought I was the reckless one.


Satan: You heard me.

The Author just quietly backed up and got back to his job, he did not want to be caught in the middle of that all powerful quarrel.

—back with Andy—

Andy did not sleep, and he felt... fine, actually. He got up when the sun was up, and wandered around the area, looking for a proper place to build his cabin. Eventually he found a nice little place not too far off from most of the cabins and got to work. He got an axe from the toolshed and cut down a few trees, then he made them into planks using the woodshop. After that he gathered some other supplies, nails, screws, and some power tools. And he got to work. After about an hour a couple campers came by to watch, no one helped. There was an unspoken rule that the construction of a cabin was carried out by the cabin members unless they asked for help. When Andy finally stepped back, they all saw the incredible cabin! It was a shack, only a door and three walls with no space for anything but to stand inside. Then Andy opened the door, and everyone gasped. It was bigger on the inside, there was a game room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, everything. Percy was the first to speak up.

Percy: What the-

Andy: Dunno, I think it is a blessing from Chaos.

When they all looked closer they could see just how strange it all was, the kitchen had its own gravitational field, and you would be pulled to the ceiling if you walked in there. The appliances were all acting normal but any person would get pulled to the ceiling. Someone went to open the bedroom door but Andy stopped them.

Andy: I'm pretty sure that room would drive anyone else mad.

The camper decided they liked being happy and stepped away. There were other oddities around the area, if you tried to use the pool table, the balls would always act the wrong way, as if physics decided to ignore them. The Playstation games only worked on the Wii, and so on. Small things, but it was definitely a cabin of Chaos. It was enough to drive an OCD person mad, or a normal person really. After a bit, Andy kicked everyone out, mostly because it was breakfast time. The rest of the day went normally and when it was time for lights out Andy went to his room, laid on the bed, and examined his walls. They were covered with shattered images, bits of his past if he had to guess. There were pieces floating about but there were two things that stuck out to him. There were a couple that were clearer than others, a woman with yellow hair, her face obscured. And chains, so many chains were scattered through most of the shards. He tried to put it out of his mind and went to sleep.

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