Chapter 20

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"He told you to break up with Harry?" Zayn raises an eyebrow watching Louis pace the living room.

"Yeah, he said if I quit my job that he will quit paying the bills here" those words causes Zayn to jump up with wide eyes.

"Well you're not quitting right? Lou, we can't afford the rent here alone let alone the other bills plus food!"

"Zayn, I know-"

"And w.eed! Most of both our checks goes to that s.hit alone!"

"Zayn!" Louis grabs his shoulders shaking him "calm the f.uck down man, you'll get your w.eed"

"Seriously Lou, what are you gonna do?"


"Harry hon, I had to pick up an extra shift at work. Would you care to finish laundry?" Anne calls her son from downstairs while she slipped on her work shoes.

Harry rushes out of his room to tell his mum goodbye with a kiss to her cheek.

"Of course mum, have a good day at work, love you"

"Love you"

Harry collects all dirty laundry from around the house, sighing once he sees how much laundry there really is.

He moves the clothes from the washer to dryer before starting another load and collecting the two full laundry hampers, dragging them to the couch to fold the clothes.

Harry didn't mind helping out his mum, it's been this way his whole life as soon as him and Gemma could work they started, he never sees his mum or sister due to them constantly working.

Harry's dad left when he was five when his mom discovered he had a whole other secret life and family behind our back. His mum has never dated since, she's never had the time.

After a short 30 minutes Harry put away both baskets of laundry, before picking up around the house and doing some dishes as well.

Harry finally falls back onto his bed sighing as he was finally able to rest after cleaning the house, he had nothing better to do before work anyway.

Harry had a short five minute rest before he stood back up to lay out his uniform and get in a quick shower. He wasn't sure who worked today, just knew he did.

Harry hasn't talked to Louis or seen him in about two days, Harry was still trying to process the mall incident and the fact Louis almost beat up Calvin over a joke.

Harry can't help but worry, what if he makes Louis mad one day? Harry doesn't consider himself weak but he knows he isn't stronger than Louis.

He attempted to push those thoughts ahead as he pulled into work, grabbing his phone and keys and walking on in.

"Look who is finally here!" Rob walks around the corner as Harry punches in his clock in number.

"I'm five minutes early" Harry gives Rob a confused and gross look.

"You were suppose to be here at one not two" Rob sighs, shaking his head "guess that calls for a write up"

Harry's eyes go wide as he rushes back to the office where the schedule was posted, he doesn't even knock but barges in the office not realizing his boss was having a conversation with his boyfriend.

"Oh, sir! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize someone was in here, I should've knocked-"

"Son, it's okay. Why you rushing back here anyway?" Austin cuts off Harry's rambling, laughing quietly at his panic state.

"Well Rob told me I was an hour late and that I deserve a write up" Louis' head snaps up from his phone, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh he did?"

"You're on time Harry, it was just a joke" Rob walks to the back laughing loudly.

Louis gives a death glare towards Rob. Louis couldn't help but think that Rob was acting like this because his father was here.

Louis didn't care who was here, don't mess with his boy.

"Hahaha!!" Louis busts out in an overdramatic laugh, grabbing his stomach and doubling over, causing everyone to jump and look back at him.

"You're so funny Rob, hilarious even" Louis walks over continuing his dramatic fake laugh, swinging an arm over Robs shoulder roughly.

"How about another joke" Louis grins squeezing robs throat between his arms, dragging him towards the back door.

"Ooh, I think I may know one"

Austin and Harry both quickly follow knowing what this could lead to if Louis was left alone with anyone.

"Louis, that's enough" Austin says firmly watching Robs face go red as Louis continue to squeeze his throat with the arm that was still around him.

"We're just having fun, right?" Louis smiles looking to Rob "a joke right? Just two coworkers jokingly fighting?" Louis laughs before shoving a panicked Rob to the floor.

"Come on! Let's go! Let's keep joking!" Louis laughs loudly, grabbing Rob by the collar of his shirt.

"Do it!!" Louis screams in robs face and that was when Austin stepped in, shoving his own son to the ground and away from his employee.

"That's enough! Rob go inside" Austin motions the man to hurry.

"That wasn't very nice" Louis pouts, standing back up, wiping the dirt off his pants.

"Lou" Harry quickly rushes over when he notices Louis' eyes darting to Rob who was running back inside.

"You're f.ucking crazy!" He screams before shutting the door.

"That's what I'm talking about! Let's go!" Louis screams back before running in after him, quickly cornering him in the break room.

"Don't you wanna play?" Louis moves closer

"I like jokes, so do you don't ya?" Louis shoved him on the wall.

"Louis!" Austin stops at the doorway, unsure of where to go to avoid another black out.

Louis leans in closer to Rob so close his lips were brushing the older ones ear.

"F.uck with me again"


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