Chapter 1

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"I don't know Mum, I love my job and my coworkers but I just can't stand him" Harry sighs leaning back against his seat. The boy was currently on break at work and of course had to call his mum to rant to her about how his day is going so far.

"Well, honey. Talk to your boss, maybe he can talk to Louis himself" Anne tries to reason, ever since Harry started working at the restaurant, which was called simply ' Bon appétit', almost two years ago him and Louis always seem to be bickering.

"That's his son, he won't do anything" Harry scoffs adjusting his hair after he had been nervously running his hand through it and caused it to be a bit messy. A little nervous habit that Louis happened to be in love with.

Too bad Harry wasn't aware that Louis wasn't too far away listening to their private conversation, Harry's car window was only cracked but Louis could hear almost every word. This was Louis' favorite pass time during Harry's break, he always watched him, only to make sure he was safe of course, he would never let someone hurt his baby and get away with it.

He was leaning on the side of the building pretending to play on his phone but he was only looking at his reflection on the blank, black screen.

"Seems curly doesn't like me" He mumbles what he's already known to himself slipping his phone into his back pocket when he hears a door shut. He looks up to see Harry on his way back inside, Louis smirks and jogs over to the boy, grabbing his shoulder to stop him.

"That's not a very nice thing to say about your coworker now is it, Harry?" Louis pouts tilting his head and giving a fake innocent look. Harry rolls his eyes and jerks out of Louis' hold.

"I don't even know what you're talking about" Harry opens the back soon reentering his job, Louis hot on his trails. The young boy was too naive to ever think his coworker would actually spy on him, Louis liked to use that to his advantage.

"Then I guess let's forget it huh?" Louis hums stuffing his hands into his pockets. He shamelessly lets his eyes rake down Harrys body, biting his bottom lip harshly once his eyes stop at Harry's bum. His thighs and just looked amazing in his black skinny jeans. Louis didn't even try to stop himself when he reached forward and grabbed Harry's waist, pressing the younger boys back against his chest.

"I'd really like to be friends curly" Louis says softly resting his chin on Harry's shoulder. The smaller boy seems to be paralyzed by shock, he slowly places his hands over Louis' that were still resting on his waist.

"W-well, I don't want to be your f-friend" Harry mentally slaps himself for stumbling over his words.

"Why not, curly? I can" Louis allows his lips to brush against Harry's cheek sending shivers down the younger ones spine.

Just as Harry was about to respond Calvin turns the corner eyes widening at the sight of his two coworkers so close.

"What's going on?" He glances between the two boys. Louis squeezes Harrys waist roughly and lets out almost an animalistic growl, Harry whimpers and attempts to wiggle out of Louis' grip but Louis refuses to let him go.

He wasn't letting go of what was his.

"Interrupting clearly" Louis says through gritted teeth. Calvins eyes widen and he raises his hands in defense, Harry gives him pleading eyes to not leave but Louis' death stare was much more convincing. Calvin quickly stumbles out of the room leaving the two alone once again.

"Very rude for him to interrupt huh?" Louis loosens his grip on Harry making him sigh in relief.

"It's okay, Louis" Harry says softly and steps away from the boy, Louis allows him but keeps a hand touching him in some way.

"I've got to get back to work now, I'd like to go home" Harry gently tugs away and speed walks away from his bosses son.

He doesn't even finish his work, his grabs his things and tell Calvin a goodbye before literally sprinting out of the building. He was panting as he reached his car quickly slamming and locking the doors and pulling out of the parking lot not a second later.

"What the f.uck just happened?"


"He's so pretty, Z. How could I resist?" Louis shrugs passing the blunt over to his best friend who gladly takes it.

"Leave him alone, you're 24 Louis. He's what- 19?" Zayn raises an eyebrow inhaling the smoke into his lungs closing his eyes.

"Yeah that what his application said" Louis smiles "I just- he's mine, I know he is"

"You sound crazy"

"I'm not f.ucking crazy" Louis suddenly snaps, Zayn rolls his eyes, way too high to care that he just p.issed off his best friend.

"Does your dad know that you're trying to f.uck your coworker?"

"I really don't care. I want him and I always get what I want" Louis smirks, his lips part to say more but he stops himself, he doesn't want his best friend judging him for how much he...cares for Harry.

He loved watching the boy when Harry was unaware, Louis loved following him home, or even when he was still in high school right when he first started. He loved watching him when Harry thought he was alone. That was when Louis could really study him.

The way he pokes out his tongue in concentration or how he'll mumble words to himself when he gets frustrated. Louis loved watching him change at night, sometimes Harry curtains would be cracked open and since Harry's window faced his backyard he never worried about. Harry's pajamas were so..sinful, Louis knew it was his way of teasing him.

Harry only slipped into panties and a large t-shirt before he crawled into his bed, that panty covered deserved a spanking for the way Harry was taunting Louis, the young boy was begging to be used and f.ucked.

Louis didn't only want to f.uck the boy, he wanted him in every way possible, Louis wanted to be his reason for happiness, his reason for living and Louis would be d.ammed if he failed at that. Every since he met Harry he's had a plan to win him over.

No matter what it takes.

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