Chapter 14

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*mature content*

"Freedom" Harry dramatically sighs after he clocks out, happily tossing his apron.

"Today was rough" Calvin leans up against the counter after clocking out himself.

"Everybody was so rude and difficult, especially the steak lady" Harry laughs a bit at the thought of her "pretty sure she left after that, didn't see her the rest of the night"

"Everybody ready?" Rob calls out before warning everyone to stay still while he turns on the alarm.

"So you and Louis huh?" Calvin smirks nudging Harry's shoulders as the two walk to their cars which so happened to be parked next to each other.

"Kinda? I don't know. It just happened" Harry blushed with a shrug unlocking his car to place his things inside.

"Is he the stuck up jerk we thought?" Calvin laughs, resting back against his car.

"No, he's so sweet. Complete opposite of what we thought" Harry's eyes sparkled as he spoke of his boyfriend.

"How sweet of you baby" Louis mumbles from the comfort of his own car that was parked across the street, watching the two boys.

Louis couldn't stop the grin as he listened to how Harry spoke about him, Calvin now knew, let's hope this doesn't make things complicated. Neither boys had really told anyone they were dating. Louis hasn't due to his possessiveness, unless someone tries something with Harry, Louis stays silent. It's how he works.

"Time to go home, Angel" Louis started up his car when Harry did, soon following the boy home. Louis kept a distance so Harry wouldn't notice but Louis knew his baby was too oblivious to pay attention to his surroundings.

Louis parked in his usual spot near Harrys house watching his tired baby go inside. That was when Louis made his beeline for behind the bushes. He remember his binoculars this time.

It took Harry a moment to reach his bedroom since he changed in his bathroom and brushed his teeth but Louis didn't mind. The two haven't talked since Harry went to work and Louis was missing him like crazy.

Louis chokes on his breath when he watches Harry pull out knee high socks that matched his boy shorts soon pulling them up his short legs.

"Teasing me huh?" Louis chuckles. His eyebrows furrow when Harry pulls out his phone and poses in his full length mirror. Louis didn't have time to wonder before he phone went off and he pulled it out to find Harry had sent him a picture.

Louis takes a deep breath before opening the message-his breathing stopped altogether. There Harry was posing shyly but still showing off his cute pajamas, big t-shirt, panties and his knee highs. He looked amazing and Louis wanted a taste.

The picture was followed with a message.

H: Missing you...x
L: oh baby, I miss you too. Just look at you.
H: wish you could come over ):

Louis couldn't have his baby sad so-

L: your wish is my command. I'll be over in 5 (;

Harry giggles softly with a blush before agreeing and quickly running downstairs, he was still quiet of course he doesn't wanna wake anyone.

To Harry it seemed hours and hours were passing before he finally heard a knock, he rushes over and swings it open squealing loudly at the sight of his boyfriend.

Harry leaps forward and is taken into Louis' arms allowing him to wrap his legs around the elders waist.

"Missed you too baby" Louis chuckles, closing the door behind them and locking it.

Louis walks the two upstairs to Harry's room, shutting the door with his foot they head straight to bed.

"Just look at this outfit" Louis smirks when they sit back on the bed which had Harry straddling him.

"D-do you like it?" Harry asks shyly, pushing the ends of the shirt down to cover his thighs more.

"Oh no, I love it. You look amazing" Louis pushes away the small hands from pulling down the shirt "beautiful" Louis pulls one of Harrys hands to his lips kissing the knuckles.

"Lou" Harry whispers causing Louis to pull away and look at him.


"Kiss me" Louis gently tugs his boyfriend closer connecting their lips in a sweet kiss.

"No" Harry groans when Louis pulls away. The elder ones gives his boyfriend a confused smile, running his hands up Harry's smooth, hairless thighs.

"Kiss..kiss me" Harry huffs fisting Louis' t-shirt and jerking him forward, their lips literally slamming together. Louis flinches a bit not expecting the sudden movement but soon relaxes and moves his lips with Harry.

Harry wanted more. He doesn't understand why he's so h.orny tonight. He just knows that Louis being sweet and gentle isn't helping his problem.

"L-Lou, I w-want-" Harry starts to speak against Louis' lips. He doesn't know what he wants, he's so hot and h.orny he couldn't do anything besides weakly rut his hips against Louis.

"Calm down baby" Louis hums, cupping Harry's face "I'm in no rush here" Louis could tell from Harry's frustrated look that he wasn't caring what was being said.

Louis carefully flips the two over, resting between Harry's legs starting to kiss the pale skin of Harry's neck. Harry makes a quiet noise, wrapping his hands in Louis' hair.

Louis nibbles on Harry's soft spot beginning to suck harshly. Harry whimpers snd squeezes his eyes shut, allowing Louis to happily mark him.

"Mine" Louis groans blowing over the newly bruising skin. Harry gasps and bucks his hips against Louis'.

"I got you baby" Louis grabs ahold of Harry's hips gently rocking them against his. Harry's lips part, his eyes fluttering open to look up at his older boyfriend.

"Hi baby" Louis chuckles kissing Harry softly.

"B-be rougher" Harry mumbles in the kiss a little embarrassed.

"I don't wanna hurt you" Louis frowns, he could never lay a hand on Harry.

"You Won't, Lou. Please?" Harry bites his lip, moaning when Louis digs their hips together harder.

Louis grunts and places his hands besides Harry's head, Harry rolls his head back in pleasure, gripping Louis' biceps and squeezing tightly.

"Feel good?" Louis pants tucking his face in Harry neck kissing softly. Harry nods, his face still a bright red.

"C-close" Harry whimpers only a few minutes later, locking his eyes with Louis "kiss me"

Louis immediately pressing their lips together, moaning softly, his moans weren't fully fake but this was too gentle for Louis' liking.

"Fuck baby" Louis curses dragging his hands down to hold Harry's hips.

"Louis, I-" Harry cuts himself off when he arches his back. Louis falls on the bed next to Harry who looked at him before giggling.

"At least I'll remember it this time"

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