Chapter 21

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Mainly a filler


That's all there was after Louis seemed to lose it once again.

He wouldn't stop, he just kept hitting and hitting Rob, Harry couldn't do nothing but scream and cry for Louis to stop.

It wasn't until two cops forced a laughing Louis to the ground and cuffing his hands behind his back.

"It's just a joke guys, come on now" Louis continues to smile and let out a mocking laugh, not even slightly phased at the b.lood soaking his shirt and fists, even a little on his face.

"Take him downtown" Austin snaps, not even looking at his son.

It was like it wasn't him, he wasn't phased by anything or anyone.

It was truly terrifying.

Harry didn't work that day, Austin sent him home and oh the relief Harry felt when he saw his mum was home.

He didn't hesitate on running into his mums arms, tears streaming down his face instantly.

"What's wrong baby?" Anne asks softly rubbing her sons back, frowning.

"L-Louis" Harry chokes out

"Did you two break up?" Anne pulls away to have her son look at her, wiping his tears.

Harry shakes his head "n-no, he got mad at a coworker a-and he beat him up" Harry chokes on his own tears before forcing himself to continue.

"Badly. He got arrested"

"What?" Anne gasps, surprised "calm down baby, calm down and tell me what happened"

Harry slows his breathing down, wiping his face with  cold washcloth his mum quickly grabbed for him.

"Louis has anger issues, bad anger issues. I don't know what it is but anytime someone says anything to me or looks at me o-or touches me, he gets angry"

"Angry?" Anne raises an eyebrow starting to be concerned for her sons safety.

"Mom he beat the absolute s.hit out of nick, he sent him to the hospital" Anne gasps loudly, her hand covering her mouth.

"And today, he sent another person to the hospital and was arrested"

"Harry-" Anne starts not even really sure what to say except "I don't think you two should continue this relationship"

Harry starts to speak but is cut off.

"No, he sounds very dangerous and to send two people to the hospital so close together. What if he gets angry with you one day?" Anne tears up just at the thought of Louis hurting Harry.

"I really like him though mum, he acts so different when we're alone" Harry tries to reason but he knew deep down this wasn't going to work with Louis.

"I know you like him, baby. Maybe you two should just cut it off for now, it seems like he has more issues than he lets on"

"Maybe you're right" Harry sighs before pulling out his phone to text his boss.

H:Can you schedule me and Lou separate?

Austin read the message but never replied, Harry could only hope that the request would be met.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and think" Harry frowns giving his mum one last hug.


It had been a few days since the work incident, Harry didn't work, he called out. He needed time to think and he decided that he shouldn't be with Louis right now, he needed Louis to control his anger better than he was cause his mum was right.

What if he got angry with Harry and hurt him just as bad?

Louis hasn't stopped blowing up Harry's phone, he hasn't even opened his texts or gave him a call back, he's gave him nothing.

It was driving Louis crazy, absolutely mad. He couldn't stand not talking to his boy, not even seeing him thanks to the ankle monitor the court ordered him to not leave his house. Correction his parents house.

"This is bullshit!" Louis shouts punching yet another hole in his bedroom wall.

"Louis William!" Austin barges into his sons room, sighing at the several holes in the drywall.

"Fuck off" Louis rolls his eyes, not even bothering to look at his father.

"You're lucky you're still not sitting your ass in that jail cell, I should've left you there" Austin walks up to his son "punching holes and screaming isnt going to fix anything and you know that"

"Do you really think I care? You're lucky I'm not cutting off my fucking foot to go see my boy!" Louis shouts lifting his foot that the monitor was attached to before roughly swinging it into his metal bed frame several times until his dad stepped in.

"Stop! This boy has you losing all the progress you've been making since that girl!"

"Don't talk about her, she's nothing to me" Louis cringes at even the thought of her.

"You know that's far from the truth"

"I said stop" Louis huffs sitting on his bed "I just want to see Harry"

"I know you do son but clearly being around him is not helping, you blacked out so easily and now rob is on life support"

"Life support? I was hoping he was dead" Louis scoffs, standing back off "get this off me before I break the arrest and go see him myself"

"You won't make it down the street before you got cuffs on you" Austin laughs before walking out and leaving his angry son alone.

"Fuck you! Fuck this monitor, fuck the cops and fuck the court I'm going to see him!" Louis screams before grabbing his dads keys and running off to his car and speeding out of the driveway, not even a pair of shoes on his feet, he flew, breaking the sound barrier through town and neighborhoods knowing the cops were searching his location. He slammed the breaks so hard he busted his nose on the wheel when he arrived at Harry's.

He sighs with a small chuckle before wiping the blood off his face and running to the front door knocking frantically.

Anne opens the door, giving a soft smile.

"Hi Louis"

"Hi, is Harry here" Louis gives a real smile. 

"Is he" Anne nods but continues "but you can't see him, he told me what happened with Nick and a coworker and I don't feel comfortable with having my son involved with you. Please don't come back here and don't contact Harry" Anne shuts the door, locking it before Louis could even open his mouth.

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