Chapter 4

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Harry stumbles over his own feet while Louis continues to drag him along behind him. The two finally stop once they reach Louis' car, Harry leaning up against the side.

"What was that for?" Harry huffs pulling his arm from Louis' hold.

"That guy was-"

"I know that! Why did we have to leave?" He whines stomping his feet like the tipsy boy he was. Louis couldn't help the grin taking over his face at his baby's cuteness.

"Because if I didn't leave then I would have done something you shouldn't have to watch"

"Aw, were you gonna protect me and beat him up?" Harry giggles stepping closer to Louis who happily opens his arms.

"Probably more but-" Louis laughs wrapping his around Harry who squealed and did the same thing with Louis, squeezing his waist.

"I don't like seeing people touch you" Louis looks down at the smiling boy "only I can touch you"

"But why?" Harry tilts his head his eyelids starting to flutter.

"Because I don't share. Now come on, let's get in the car. I'll take you home" Louis helps Harry in the car and Harry was too gone to even notice that Louis knew where he lived without having to ask.

Harry was kicking his feet and bouncing in his chair while looking out the windows with a huge grin on his face.

"I'm so drunk" He giggles and turned to look at Louis when he got back in the car.

"I can tell, love" Louis smiles.

"Can I give you a hug? H-hope you don't mind" Harry hiccups at the end of his sentence. Louis didn't even answer, instead he reaches over and pulls the younger one into his lap, letting Harry straddle him.

"Ooh" Harry squeaks and latches his arms around his coworkers neck. Louis sighs and presses Harry's body against his own tightly, pressing his face in his neck.

"My good boy" Louis mumbles and was thankful that Harry didn't hear.

Both boys soon pull away, Harry letting his hands rest on Louis shoulders. Harry didn't know what came over him, maybe it was the alcohol rushing through his veins or maybe it was his slight attraction to Louis but as soon as their eyes met Harry didn't want anything more except for the man in front of him.

"Lou.." Harry gasps leaning forward and pressing their lips together. Louis grunts and grips Harry's thighs, taking control over the kiss.

Only seconds later their tongues were swirling together, Harry was weakly grinding on Louis who was trying to hold himself back from f.ucking Harry into oblivion. Harry's hands found their way into Louis' hair while he threw his head back, exposing his pale throat and it was just begging to be marked up.

So that's exactly what Louis did, letting his teeth bite several marks into the whining boy on his lap. Harry was complete putty in his hands and Louis loved it.

"W-want you" Harry whimpers pressing his hips down harder against Louis.

"Oh baby boy" Louis coos cupping his face, making Harry look at him. "I want to, I want to so bad. But you're so drunk" Louis caresses his cheek with his thumb, pecking his lips once again.

"Please" Harry whimpers jutting out his bottom lip. Louis wanted to smirk, here was his boy finally begging for Louis to take him, Louis could finally have what he wanted but no, not this way. He wants Harry to remember their first time together.

"Oh little one, come here" Louis grabs Harry's chin gently and pulls their lips together for another kiss. He keeps it soft and slow. No matter how much he wants Harry, now isn't the right time.

Harry whimpers when Louis' hands slide to grab ahold of his bum, groaning against the younger ones lips.

"P-please Lou, I'll be g-good. S-so good for you" Harry was begging now, the boy was so drunk and h.orny he wasn't even thinking straight. Louis was glad he was the one to find Harry in this state, too many men or even women would take advantage of him.

"I know, Angel. You're always so so good for me" Louis sighs and bites his lip he glances in his backseat and decides they both need some relief. A little dry humping wouldn't hurt right?

"Go lay down in the back for me" Louis taps Harry's bum lightly. The curly headed boy scrambled to climb in the back fast enough. Instead of crawling between the seats like Harry, Louis uses the doors and as soon as he opens the back one there was Harry laying, legs spread, messy hair, bitten lips. He looked so ready to be taken by Louis.

"Lou" Harry huffs when all Louis does is stare. Louis apologizes and crawls in the back, shutting the door behind him. He was a little surprised at how much smaller his backseat was now.

"Gonna take care of you my pretty boy" Louis rests his body between Harry's legs, and connecting their lips in a heated needy kiss. Harry's small hands were gripping Louis' t-shirt tightly, bucking his hips with need.

"Sh sh, calm down, gorgeous. I'm gonna take care of you" Louis murmurs softly and begins to rock their hips together. Harry's eyes flutter shut at the feeling. Harry's only had s.ex once, his first time and he hated it. Just painful and the boy didn't even get Harry off, only himself.

"Lou" Harry whimpers opening his eyes to find Louis smiling down at him, soon a hand caressing his cheek.

"Oh, my gorgeous love" Louis sighs and moves his hips harder. Harry arches his back and Louis takes that time to lock their hands and pin them next to Harry's head.

"Close baby?" Louis pants in the younger ones ear, placing a kiss on his jaw. Harry gives a weak nod, Louis grunts and moves rougher feeling his own stomach tighten.

"Whenever you need to baby" both boys surprise themselves and each other when they finish at the same time, Louis falling on top of Harry, pressing his face in his neck.

"My good boy, such a good boy" Louis praises and sits himself up deciding that both needed to be home. Harry was going to be hungover while he also had work tomorrow.

Louis chuckles when he notices Harry was already asleep, his chest still rising and falling rather quickly. Louis doesn't try to hold himself back from leaning down and covering Harry's face in kisses.

"Too bad you won't remember this" Louis frowns while continuing to brush his thumb on Harry's cheek. "Gonna take you home, clean you up and let you sleep, yeah? Sound like a good plan, my love?" Louis kisses Harry's lips one more time before he quickly switched to the driver seat. He couldn't wait to get out of his messy jeans. With one last look in the mirror at his sleeping baby.

They left.

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