Chapter 23

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Louis quickly turns in his spot when he hears a familiar squeaky voice.

"F.uck" Louis curses under his breath quickly standing up.

Harry stayed quiet, watching his now tense boyfriend fake smile at the strangers.

"Sherri" Louis smiles awkwardly subconsciously moving closer to Harry as if he was preparing to grab him at any time.

"What innocent girl have you drug here with you tonight" Sherri scoffs stepping closer to look into the booth gasping once she sees Harry is in fact,not a girl.

"Not here" is all Louis says desperately wanting this situation to end.

"So you're gay now?" The much older woman laughs, her husband who was next to her, beginning to laugh as well.

Harry could feel nerves building on his stomach, his nerves were so bad he didn't even catch the part where the mystery lady questioned Louis' sexuality.

These people were going to piss Lou off and Harry was not mentally prepared for it again.

"Let's go" Harry stands up grabbing onto Louis' arm, pulling him towards the front passing the couple.

"He will hurt you" Sherri grabs Harry's wrist, tears in her dark brown eyes. "Get out while you can, don't let him r-"

"Don't you ever lay a f.ucking hand on him again" Louis shoved her hand away, keeping his tone quiet,calm but firm.

Sherri jerked her hand away, the tears in her eyes finally falling as her husband steps up.

"We know what you're capable of! You sick b.astard" Sherri shouts before falling into her husbands arms.

"Go to h.ell" Louis snaps,grabbing Harry and quickly pulling him to his car not even letting either of them buckle up before speeding out of the restaurant.

"See? I told you I can control myself" Louis chuckles, his knuckles turning white from his grip around the wheel, the gas pedal was almost touching the floor and Harry was terrified.

"Lou, slow down" Harry pleads, he couldn't bear to look out the windows. It was too blurry.

"Please!" Harry shouts.

Louis doesn't slam the breaks only calmly slows the car down at a redlight, loosening his grip on the wheel.

"What-why would you drive that stupid!"

"Baby, I was only going 95" Louis chuckles not seeing the big deal.

"You could've killed me"

"You know I would never put you in harms way"

"Just take me home, who was that woman and what was she talking about?" Harry crosses his arms over his chest.

"My exs parents, I ended the relationship after a few years and they've hated me ever since" Louis shrugs

"Over a breakup? People are stupid. For her to say those things because you didn't like her son is ridiculous" Harry laughs, shaking his head.

"Well looks like we're here" Louis smiles when they pull into Harry's driveway, ten minutes early.

"I had fun, minus the speeding issue. Don't ever do that again by the way" Harry points his finger at Lou, both boys laughing.

"Me too, we should do it again"

"We should. Maybe this time we won't have our exs parents show up and throw a hissy fit" Harry leans over the middle planting a soft kiss on Louis cheek.

"Goodnight Lou" Harry gets out of the car making his way into his house.

Louis watches his boy disappear behind the front door before racing off to his parents house.

After five minutes of frantic banging on his parents door, his tired and angry father answered.

"Louis, it's the middle of the night. Did the cops get called on you again?" Austin groans letting his son in, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his wife making her way down the stairs.

"Are you okay honey?"

"I took Harry to that cheap sushi place in town and Sherri showed up!" Louis exclaims.

Austin's eyes go wide before he leads his family to sit down.

"Tell us exactly what happened" Austin says calmly but is visibly worried.

"I mean nothing really, she called me a b.astard Louis shrugs "she grabbed Harry and told him I would hurt him" Louis mumbles the last part.

"You didn't do anything to her did you?" Johanna speaks up.

"Of course not, I pushed her hand off of him and told her to never touch him again"

"It's been years for f.uck sakes, she needs to get over it" Louis scoffs crossing his arms over his chest.


Harry tried to not think of that woman at the restaurant, how angry and sad she seemed. Was it really just a break up or was it something deeper Lou was refusing to tell.

Harry didn't want to pry into Louis' business by asking any questions, he tried putting his boyfriends name in google but nothing interesting popped up minus the old news articles from his past two incidents. Harry cringes and closes his laptop.

"Harry hon, dinner is ready!" Anne faintly calls from the kitchen. Harry grins before rushing downstairs the sweet smell of his mothers cooking filling his nose.

"Smells amazing, mum" the curly headed boy greets his mum with a kiss on her cheek, grabbing a plate and getting a small serving, though it smelt heavenly Harry was a little too anxious to eat.

"So how was the date?" Gemma smirks once they all gathered around the table. This was nice, they rarely got this chance to be together due to every ones crazy, busy schedule.

"It was nice, really nice. He was sweet" leaving out the part with the upset stranger to himself not wanting to worry his mum anymore.

"As long as he keeps himself straight, any ill feeling I get. Cutting it off, yes?" Harry agrees but his mothers stern look telling him he doesn't really have a choice.

Dinner was full of laughter, gossip and even a few deep talks. It was shockingly late when the family cleaned up and made their ways into their own room to relax before bed.

Relax. That's all Harry wanted, no matter what he did he couldn't. He tried a shower, nothing. Coloring, nothing. Even watching a movie, still nothing. He couldn't stop thinking about that woman and what she was really upset about. The boy couldn't stop himself from picking up his phone and asking his boyfriend to come over.

It was almost midnight, his mum would kill him if he was caught sneaking Louis in but he needed some type of answer. It took Louis no time to arrive at his boyfriends house thanks to his usual watching from the back window. He always had to make sure his love was safe after all.

"It's nothing, baby. I promise" Louis sighs sitting on Harrys bed after he continue to nag and nag about answers. Louis was getting very frustrated.

'Remember who this is' Louis repeats to himself before forcing a smile and calmly grabbing Harrys shoulders.

"I told you, that is my exs mum. My ex cheated on me and I was blamed for it, once I ended it, she has been at me ever since. I had to take a restraining order on her because she would not leave me alone"

Lies. Every single one of them and Louis felt no guilt for it either. Harry didn't need to know his past, no one did.

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