Chapter 15

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Harry hummed and swayed his hips to the beat of the song that was playing through his speaker as he continued to wash dishes.

He hated washing dishes, he did it at work enough. His mum was the only reason he did, she worked so much and struggled to keep the house clean so Harry and his sister will step up and help when need be.

Harry was so zoned out in his music that he didn't even hear the front door open, he didn't bother to lock it when his sister left earlier.

Louis stood in the entrance of the kitchen, leaning against the door frame a slight frown on his face, he was slightly upset that Harry wasn't locking the door when he was home alone.

Slowly stepping forward Louis wraps his arms around Harry's waist from behind, the younger boy nearly jumps out of his skin, a loud scream leaving his lips.

"F.ucking h.ell Louis!" Harry gasps when he turns to find his snickering boyfriend. Harry playfully rolls his eyes smacking his hands against Louis' chest.

"Hi to you too baby" Louis grins pulling a fighting Harry against his chest "I've missed you"

"I missed you too!" Harry grins back, getting on his tip toes to kiss Louis and wrap his arms around the elders neck. Louis hums in the kiss, pressing his palm against the curve of Harry's back, his other hand holding Harry's cheek.

The kiss became heated quickly when Louis pried open Harry's sweet mouth with his tongue, Harry tugged at Louis' hair roughly, Louis smirks and lifts Harry up and sits him next to the sink, standing between his legs.

"Lou" Harry giggles pulling away before it went any further.

"Baby" Louis groans kissing Harry again, Harry laughs and shakes his head pulling away and pressing a finger to Louis' lips.

"I have cleaning I have to do" Harry narrows his eyes at his boyfriend, Louis huffs and lightly bites the pad of Harry's thumb, the younger boy squeaks and pulls away, pouting at Louis.

"You're too cute" Louis sighs with a smile, placing a kiss on Harry's forehead.

"Hush it" Harry gently pushes Louis back so he could go back to his previous duties.

"Come on baby, we haven't had alone time in way too long. I'll send my maids up here to clean for you" Louis stands behind Harry wrapping his arms around the boys tiny waist, his chin resting on his shoulder.

"Louis I don't need a maid, I'm very capable of cleaning myself and we're having alone time right now. We're alone aren't we?" Harry giggles at the last part, he knew this wasn't what Louis meant.

"You know what I mean" Louis huffs, tilting his head so he could press his lips to Harry's neck. Harry stops his hands that we're reaching for another plate to clean, they were now resting against the edge of the counter.

"Don't act like you don't wanna" Louis' tone dropped and it was making Harry's head spin.

"L-Lou I h-" Harry gets cut off by Louis harshly sucking on his sweet spot. Harry gasps and slumps back against his boyfriend who smirked.

"My pretty boy" Louis murmurs, grunting when he feels Harry push his ass back against him.

"Hello!" Harry jumps back against Louis when his sisters voice suddenly rings throughout the small house.

"In here!" Harry calls out after a few seconds completely unaware of his boyfriends- not so little problem in his pants- heavy footsteps are made before Gemma steps into the doorway, stopping abruptly when she spots Louis.

"Who is this?" Gemma raises an eyebrow at the man who was currently holding her baby brother so tight she was ready to kick ass.

"Um.." Harry laughed awkwardly, drying his hands off and turning to face his sister, Louis just remained behind Harry but lifted his head to give Gemma a sweet smile, his hold on Harry letting up a bit.

"Remember that guy from work, my bosses kid?"

"Oh the rich stuck up asshole you always complain about?" Gemma locks her arms in front of her chest.

"Really now?" Louis snorts with a laugh behind Harry.

"Shh!" Harry huffs walking over to his sister, Louis frowns when his boy walks out of his hold "this is Louis, he's uh- my boyfriend"

"Harry I thought you sa-"

"People can be wrong about others! I was wrong about him" Harry grabs his sisters shoulders "I really like him, Gem, please" Gemma sighs and glances back at Louis who was distracted by his phone.

"Fine. I swear if he hurts you.." she trails off with the threat.

"He won't" Harry grins and steps over to Louis grabbing his wrist and pulling him over. "Louis, Gemma, Gemma, Louis. This is my sister"

"Nice to meet you" Louis tucks his phone away, giving a sweet smile and holding out his hand. Gemma seemed surprised but impressed as she gladly shook Louis' hand.

Sister and Mum have to like you. Louis continues to remind himself. If he couldn't get Harry away and out of this house, he was shit out of luck.

"Well Louis, since you're dating my baby brother" Gemma starts leaning against the wall "are you really good enough for him?"

"Stop" Harry whines picking up the same towel he dried his hands with before tossing it at his sisters face.

"You finish" Harry laughs smugly before pulling Louis upstairs, turning around as he reached the top "wanna stay over some?"

"Of course, love" Louis chuckles following his small boyfriend into the familiar bedroom. Louis kicks the door shut, sitting on Harry's bedroom while he proceeded to dig in his closet and Louis only smiled when he saw Harry had his usual art kit pile in his hands.

"Gonna color baby?" Louis watches in admiration as Harry spreads everything out on the floor. Harry doesn't respond, he simply grabs Louis' hand, pulling him to sit in the floor.

Harry crawls over to Louis, straddling his lap and cupping his face.

"Mhm, I love coloring before bed" Harry nods shyly.

"Bedtime is still a few hours away, Angel" Louis pours caressing Harry's cheek, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"I know but" Harry shrugs kissing Louis softly, after pulling away Harry turns his back to the older boy who was able to sneak in a few pictures on his phone.

Louis almost lost his cool when Gemma came to talk to Harry once again, even more so when she pulled him away for something.

The only way Louis will get Harry to himself was if he was out of this house and Louis was going to make that happen.

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