Chapter 8

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Harry was currently helping his mum sort through bills and trying to find out how behind they are.

"Guess I'll get a third job" Anne sighs when she realizes just how far behind they are.

"Mum" Harry sighs shaking his head "I'll do it, hell I'll make Gem get another too"

"No no, you two already work so much. Gem is barely home now-"

"Same with you, I never see you anymore" Harry frowns. Anne sighs before pulling him into her arms, rocking them back and forth.

"I know it's gotten hard over the last few years but we'll be okay, we always are" Anne kisses her sons forehead, smiling down at him. They both look over to the door when it's opened, Gemma walking in.

"Hey, Gem" Harry smiles and jumps up to hug his sister.

"Hey" She gives a tired smile, hugging him back. They soon pull away and Gemma hangs up her coat, pulling an envelope from the inner pocket. She sighs softly and sits down the slip in front of Anne.

"Three hundred dollar bonus, I get paid again next week. Hopefully that'll make it a little easier" Gemmas weak, sad smile only made Anne feel even worse than she already did.

"No, honey. This is yours-"

"Mum no" Gemma pushes Anne's hand back on the table when she tried to give over the check. "I'll be fine, now use that to catch up on a bill or something"

"Thank you" Anne cries standing up and pulling her two children in her arms. "I'm such a lucky mother to get two amazing kids" She kisses both of their cheeks before the playfully groan push away their mother.

"What just because you're adults I can't kiss you anymore?" Anne gasps placing a hand over her heart, putting on an offended face.

"Duh" Harry plays along before giving Anne a kiss on the cheek and soon disappearing upstairs to get ready for work.

He was nervous for work now, he was nervous to see Louis. He knew they weren't a couple but he wonder if Louis wanted more. Harry feels bad for judging him without really knowing him, Harry still doesn't really know him, he could still be that guy.

Harry is strongly convinced he's not.

After Harry was finally ready for work, he marched downstairs to find his mum and sister bickering over what to make for dinner.

"I thought you were off today" Anne frowns when she notices Harry's uniform.

"I'm off Friday mum, why?"

"Cause Gem and I were going to make dinner"

"Oh uh, we can another night. I gotta go though, I love you both" Harry rushes out the door.

Arriving to work ten minutes early like always except today was a day he was going to wait in his car until the shift started. He gaze was so locked on his phone he didn't even notice Louis starring straight at him through his window for the past minute. He's never noticed Louis' staring any other time.

Harry jumps so hard his phone is flung to the backseat but luckily no damage was done. Louis was cackling when Harry opened his door, he stays silent as he grabs his phone and keys shutting the two doors.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Harry places his hands on his hips scolding Louis, all Louis saw was an angry puppy.

"Can't help it. You're scared so easily" Louis shrugs shoving his hands in his pockets and beginning to walk towards the store.

"Not funny" Harry playfully shoved the other boy. If it would have been anybody else Louis would've most likely beat their for touching him but it was Harry. He would never hurt Harry, ever.

"I think it's very funny" Louis opens the front door, stepping aside to allow Harry to go in first. Harry gives a small nod as a thank you before making his way inside, sighing when he notices how busy they already are. 'Dinner rush' was all he thought.

"No no, lets leave" Harry turns to Louis who was standing in the doorway, already smiling. Louis shakes his head and gently grabs Harry's upper arm, tugging him to the back, stopping at the clock in register. Harry punches in his clock in number with a grumble under his breath he made his way to the back. Louis chuckles softly and follows Harry's actions. Harry opens his locker, placing his things in there before shutting the door and reaching for an apron.

"Hey, mate!" Calvin swings around the corner, grabbing an apron while propping an arm over Harry's shoulders.

"Hey! Feels like it's been forever" Harry grins and shrugs off his arm to put the apron strap around his neck before tying the two strings behind his back. Calvin agrees, both boys walk back up to the kitchen, the shift before them still finishing up their duties. However, Louis seemed to have disappeared after he clocked in.

"Tonight is truck night, ready for it?" Calvin nudges Harry while the two wash their hands.

"Eh, I mean. We get it two nights a week, I'm usually off those nights but I guess I will just suffer" Harry shrugs drying off his hands and following Calvin when he approaches the other chiefs.

"Sup?" Harry calls out to the group a little surprised to see Rob was here "Rob? I didn't know you worked today"

Harry didn't even notice Rob fearful look or the shaking in his words. He was too afraid he would accidentally upset the boy and Louis would fulfill his promise.

"Oh uh, I d-don't. Just here for truck" Rob gives a weak smile before continuing a previous conversation with the others.

"Alright. Good luck tonight boys" The mid shift cook, John smiles before leaving the sadly busy restaurant.

Soon it was only Calvin, Harry and Rob who was still a nervous wreck around Harry who was still completely oblivious to what Louis was doing behind his back.

Sorry is taken so long and if there's any mistakes it's 2am for me.

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