Chapter 2

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Harry couldn't sleep that night, he tried, oh he tried. He was tossing and turning for what seem to be all night. Every time he shut his eyes he saw Louis, he felt Louis' hands on him, remembered the way he whispered in his ear. It still sent shivers down his spine.

Harry wouldnt deny that Louis was absolutely close to perfection when it comes to looks but he was so stuck up- that was the turn off for Harry. Plus they are still coworkers, you can't date a coworker but Harry has a feeling that Louis does not care.

Harry releases a sigh and pulls his attention away from his thoughts, trying to use the Netflix movie to distract himself. When that fails he crawls out of bed, his usual large t-shirt reaching right below his bum. The 19-year-old reaches his closest and moves to his tippy toes to reach for some of his art supplies.

"My tiny baby" Louis snickers to himself watching Harry through the crack of his curtains, his grin falls as the t-shirt rises and his panty covered bum is only slightly revealed.

"Not very nice to tease me, Harry. Not very nice at all" Louis was talking as if Harry was aware of his presence but he never was, Louis has been outside Harry's house since the boy left work. He's always smart when he comes to watching his boy, he would hate what he would have to do to anyone that caught him.

Harry mindlessly grabs a bit of his art supplies and a clipboard so he could color in the warmth of his bed. He crawls back under the thick covers and begins to continue to color a sheet that he started months ago but never got to finish.

Small hums left the young boys lip, his little tongue poked out in concentration while he carefully picked his color and exactly where he wanted them on the sheet. Louis was smiling like an idiot while watching his love do what he enjoyed. He even pulls out his phone and manages to snap a few pictures, not as good as his others, he's never been able to get good quality pictures of Harry at home thanks to the distance and his phones terrible camera, but they were good enough.

"Coloring a pretty picture for me are you baby?" Louis speaks up as of Harry could hear. The older one tilts his head with a huge grin on his face, he normally used binoculars but he couldn't find them before he left but Louis has Harry's night routine down so well he could do it himself.

"I don't think it could ever be as pretty as you though, nothing- nobody could every be as pretty as you, my flower" Louis chuckles looking down to his lap, he couldn't wait to finally have Harry where he belongs, in his arms and safe from everybody else's eyes. No one else had the right or even deserved to look at Harry, he was for Louis' eyes only.

It was almost 9 in the morning when Harry finally fell asleep while still coloring and that had Louis frowning, his little face was pressed against his spread out pens, while his hand was still in the position to draw. Louis debated on going inside and adjusting him comfortably. It wouldn't be his first time, Harry was a very deep sleeper especially when was that tired.

After an hour long debate Louis finally decides his baby should be comfortable. He drives his normal way to the front of Harry's house, Anne, Harry's mum, has already left for work and will make this so much easier for Louis. Louis quickly makes his way up Harry's driveway, his usual lock picking kit tucked securely in his pocket was pulled out and he easily unlocked the door.

Entering the house as quietly as possible he makes his usual way up to Harry's bedroom. He cracks the door open, his huge grin covering his face at the sight of his angel resting.

"Gonna have you real comfortable baby" Louis whispers and makes his way over to Harry and gently cleans around his bed, clearing his art supplies and placing them on his nearby desk, neatly.

After managing to clear his bed without waking him, Louis carefully lays Harry back, his hands mindlessly caressing the sleeping boys face. Louis pulls Harry's blanket up to right below his shoulders like Harry normally has it.

"My beautiful boy" Louis presses his lips to Harry curls leaving his lips there a little longer than he needed. He pulls away but not before leaving a final kiss to Harry's cheek.

"Sweet, sweet angel. Don't make me wait too long to see you again" And with those last words, Louis left Harrys home, leaving no trace he was ever there.


Harry was thankful that he was off the next day, a little confused when he woke up and all of his art was moved but his just assumed it was his mother or sister, but he was positive his sister was staying at her boyfriends last night.

It was 2pm when Harry finally woke up and took advantage of Mcdonalds all day breakfast menu, his trip there and back was a short 20 minutes. Harry was too hungry to care about his speeding.

He drops down onto the couch resuming his Netflix movie that he fell asleep to last night. Grabbing his food and napkins from the bag, he zones out into the movie.

Louis on the other hand was surprisingly still asleep at his house. He went straight home after tucking Harry in bed, he needed his own rest even if it meant parting ways from Harry.

He knew that Harry wouldn't be at work today and he really didn't want to show up himself because what fun would he have without his baby there? Louis was also a little relieved, at least he won't have to watch Harry interact with the other employees and be forced to watch them touch Harry, even in the most harmless ways.

Harry's was his and only he could touch him.

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