Chapter 16

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Cute, simple chapter before all hell breaks loose (;

Harry lets out a loud sigh as he falls back on Louis' couch.

The two have been dating for a few months now, they are public about their relationship. Harry's mum had pretty much the same reaction as his sister. It wasn't very fun breaking the news to their coworkers.

"I'm never doing a morning shift ever again" Louis groans as he walks downstairs. The boys father insisted he come in at seven this morning and Louis wasn't too thrilled.

"At least you're already off and have the rest of the day ahead" Harry smiles turning to watch his boyfriend walk over. Louis huffs with a pout and sits next to Harry cuddling up to his side, resting his cheek on his boyfriends lap.

"Poor baby" Harry giggles turning on a movie and beginning to run his fingers through Louis' hair.

In the past few months Louis has shown Harry a soft side of him that he would've never guessed was there. Louis wasn't just only this rude, hard as.s, that was only put on for show. He was actually just a big teddy bear who loved having his hair played with.

"Just wanna lay here with you today" Louis closes his eyes, content with how everything was going. Here he was almost four months into dating the love of his life and he couldn't be any happier.

"Where's Zayn anyway?" Harry glances around the apartments before his gaze drops back into his half asleep boyfriend.

"Him and Niall had a breakfast date or something" Louis shrugs already falling asleep.

Harry stays quiet and watches the television, not even a bit surprised with he hears quiet snores from Louis. Harry smiles down at the older boy, leaning down and kissing his forehead.

Harry reaches for the blanket that was scrunched up at the other end of the couch, barely managing to but eventually grasping the soft fabric and pulling it over Louis, up to his shoulders.

Harry jumps when the front door opens, a laughing Niall and Zayn entering. Harry quickly and quietly shushes them up, pointing to his lap.

"Aww, you've turned big, bad Lou into a softy H!" Zayn laughs when he walks over to see his best friend asleep.

"Be quiet" Harry huffs, placing his hands over Louis' ears hoping to block some sound.

"He's a deep sleeper, bud. Trust me, my voice won't wake him"

"How was the date?" Harry sighs looking over to Niall when he finally joined Zayns side.

"It was fun. The food wasn't too bad" Niall shrugs sitting down, Zayn soon following his actions. "Why're you here so early anyway?"

"Lou was called in early and picked me up after his shift" Harry glances down at the still sleeping boy.

"He's crazy about you, you know that right?" Zayn suddenly speaks after seeing the way Harry was looking at Louis. Harry's head snaps up, a confused look resting on his face.

"I've never seen him this way with anyone before Harry. He's different with you" Harry blushes, looking back to try and hide his red cheeks.

"He's really special to me" Harry hums, continuing to run his fingers through Louis' hair.

The three boys talked quietly for around an hour until Louis groaned and started squirming on the couch. He grumbled something under his breath before pressing his face against Harry's stomach.

"Went soft on me, have ya Louis" Zayn snickers. Louis' head shot up towards the direction of his best friends voice before giving him a glare.

"I have not went soft" Louis snaps and attempting to rub away the sleep in his eyes.

"Hi" Louis grins when he hears his baby's soft voice, looking up to see Harry already smiling down at him.

"Hi love" Louis sits up and pulls Harry to his side, kissing him softly.

"Did you enjoy your nap?" Harry hums after pulling away, resting his chin on Louis' chest.

"Very much" Louis nods "it was even better because I was held by you" Louis whispers the last part, not wanting to give Zayn anything more to tease him about.

"I loved holding you, you look so cute when you're sleeping" Harry smiles, Louis chuckles and leans down to kiss him again.

Harry suddenly whimpers into the kiss, biting on Louis' bottom lip.

"Can we go to your room?" Harry pulls away, looking up at Louis anxiously. Louis nods, quickly jumping to his feet. He grabs Harry by the waist throwing him over his shoulders, making their way upstairs.

"Don't hurt him too bad, Lou!" Zayn calls out with a laugh. Louis doesn't respond just shuts his bedroom door, locking it behind him.

He drops Harry to his feet, pinning him against the wall, connecting their lips in a needy kiss. It had been weeks since the two had done anything, the most they have did was dry hump. Harry was just too nervous for s.ex again.

"Lou-Lou" Harry mumbles in the kiss, gently nudging Louis back. "Wanna try something new"

"Like what baby" Louis tucks his face in Harry's neck, kissing the soft skin a little upset Harry's bruises Louis' lips left we're fading.

"Maybe like-oh!" Harry gasps when Louis starts to suck harshly on his sweet spot, his teeth grazing his skin, causing a slight bit of pain. Good pain.

Louis slowly pulls away, blowing cool air over the marked skin, smirking when he noticed how visible it was. Harry blushes brightly, hiding his face in Louis' chest.

"You're too cute baby" Louis smiles, pushing back some of the curls, revealing those green eyes he loves so much.

"I wanted to t-try like...p-pleasing you?" Harry mumbles slowly looking up at Louis through his eyelashes.

"You don't have to baby, I'm perfectly okay with waiting. No pressure to do anything" Louis cups Harry's face pecking his lips softly.

"I w-want to but I'm nervous N-Nick didn't like my lack of experience so didn't ever let me try and I-" Louis cuts of Harry's rambling with another kiss. Harry wraps his arms around Louis' neck after he's picked back up by the waist. 

Louis lays Harry back on the bed, breaking the kiss.

"You're so perfect. How did I get so lucky?" Louis chuckles, stroking Harry's cheek.

"M'not perfect Lou" Harry shakes his head, a little blush on his cheeks.

"Yes you are, everything about you" Louis kisses him again.

"Can't believe you're actually mine"

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