Chapter 3

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Harry's typical days off were normally catching up on laundry but today was not one of those days. Harry just wanted to be lazy, lay around and stuff his face with junk food that he could find around the house. Maybe he can even convince his mum to make his favorite dinner.

He was debating on inviting Niall over but he was pretty positive that he had to work. Their schedules always clashed. The thought didn't stop him from texting his best friend to see what he was up to.

He hated not having many friends, Niall was his only real friend. His shyness makes it hard for him to make friends easy, never talked to anybody in high school besides Niall and till this day he's glad he didn't. Everybody is either pregnant or getting married and here Harry was eating fast food while waiting for his mum to come home.

Harry jumps a little when his phone suddenly rings, glancing down he realizes it's Niall calling him.


"Hey! Uh, I get off at 12 today and remember that Zayn kid I told you about? Well he invited me to a party tonight and I really don't want to go alone" Niall's words were so rushed that he had to take a huge breath after.

"Woah, you want me to come to a party hosted by a guy you've been talking to for a month?" Harry scrunches his eyebrows sitting his food aside and pausing Netflix.

"Hey! I've met him a few times but yes I want you to come. You never go anywhere with me-"

"We go places all the time. I just don't go partying with you" Harry grumbles thinking about hanging up on his best friend now.

"Fair enough. But please! Zayn said it would only be a few friends, I'll drive and I'll take you home whenever you want" Harry naws on his bottom lip and picks at the fabric of the shorts he threw on before getting his breakfast.

"Fine. What time?"

"I'll pick you up at six, okay?"


Harry debated for way too long about what to wear to this little party. He eventually settled for white skinny jeans, with a dark red flannel and a matching crop top. The top didn't show as much as you'd think unless Harry moved too much.

His nerves only grew more when Niall finally picked him up and the two were currently on their way to the party.

"Please don't get drunk, Niall" Harry pleads, he wouldn't know what to do if Niall couldn't drive them home and he had to call his mom. She would kill him if she knew where he truly was.

"No promises but if all fails I'll give you my keys and you can drive yourself home"

"Smart idea. What do I tell my mum when she asks why your car is there but not you?" Harry sighs looking down at his thighs.

"Right right. Eh don't worry. Everything will be fine"

Harry rolls his eyes and crosses his thin arms over his chest. He leans back in the seat, taking a deep breath when Niall pulls up to a pretty big house, only a couple of cars outside.

"Chill out, Harry" Niall laughs leading his nervous best friend inside.

Harry stays behind Niall once they enter the house and Harry was thankful there wasn't as many people as he thought but it was still too many for his liking. Many were already stumbling around drunk, some sitting on the couch clearly stoned and the rest grinding lazily against another.

"I don't like this" Harry mumbles in Niall's ear, a little loud to be heard over the music.

"We just got here, H" Niall laughs as an older boy approaches the two.

"Hey Niall I'm glad you could make it!" Zayn grins pulling Niall in for a bone crushing hug. Once the two pull away, Zayns gaze turns straight to Harry. He knew who the boy was thanks to Louis but he couldn't let Harry know.

"Who is your friend here?" Zayn smirks holding out his hand for Harry who looks at it for a few seconds but eventually takes it.

"This is Harry. I finally managed to drag him along to a party with me. Go easy on him it's his first one" Niall pats Harry shoulder and drags him along behind himself and Zayn.

"Alright well let's get you drunk yeah?" Zayn begins pouring three drinks.

"Oh no. No. I don't-"

"Oh come on Harry! You're young enjoy it!" Zayn urges and shoves a red solo cup his way. Harry flinches when an arm is flung over his shoulders and he's tugged against someone's chest.

"Oi! He said no Zayn. Take that and leave it" Louis snaps softly. Harry's eyes widen when he realizes who it was and quickly shoved the older one away.

"Actually, thank you, Zayn" Harry smiles and takes the drink. Louis grits his teeth and quickly snatched the cup from Harry's grasp.

"No. You're only 19" Louis hands the drink off to a random drunk girl that was on the verge of falling over.

"Your point?" Harry huffs grabbing Niall's drink and taking a huge gulp. He scrunches his face up at the burn and terrible taste, giving Niall the cup back.

"That's terrible" Harry coughs shaking his head "what the hell was that?"

"Boys like you shouldn't use those words, Harry" Louis quickly hushes him shaking his own head in disappointment. Harry shrugs him off keeping his back facing him.

"It's vodka Harry" Niall laughs before Zayn was pulling him off somewhere leaving him with just Louis, minus the drunks surrounding them.

"Why're you here? I never took you for the party time" Louis turns Harry to face him.

"I'm not. Niall wanted me to come and I didn't have any plans so I figured why not" Harry shrugs and starts to walk away. Louis growls and grips his wrist tugging him back.

"You shouldn't walk around here alone. A little boy like you shouldn't be here alone"

"I'm not a child Louis, I can handle myself"

A few hours later Harry was tipsy but was still aware of his surroundings which was him in a swarm of sweaty bodies.

"Hey cutie" Harry looks up to find a girl grinning at him. He smiles back kindly but steps away as she moves closer.

"Wanna go somewhere more private?" She smirks raising an eyebrow.

"No. Sorry. But I'm gay" Harry giggles as he holds up his hands and stumbles off to find a bathroom. His body soon collides with another and he looks up to see his best friend who was completely wasted and hanging off of Zayn.

"Man. You're fucked" Harry laughs leaning against the nearest wall.

"Oh I'm about to be" Niall nods his head towards Zayn "try and get you some tonight, H" Niall is soon lifted up and swung over Zayns shoulder even though he was equally drunk he still managed to carry Niall's weight. Harry laughs as he watches the two disappear upstairs before continuing his way down the hall in search of the bathroom.

Suddenly his body is pressed against the wall, his hands pinned down by his side. He looks up to find a drunk stranger who was barely holding his eyes opens, smirking down at him.

"Heard you back there. Gay huh?" He chuckles pressing his body to Harry's.

"Get off me" Harry grunts attempting to pull out of his grip.

Before the boy could say anymore his body was ripped from Harry's and into the wall across from them. Louis grips his collar and waste no time in throwing punch after punch, the boys face was bloody after only three hits.

"Louis!" Harry shrieks and quickly rushes over to the two placing a hand on Louis' shoulder.

"I'm okay, s-stop!" Harry tugs at Louis' shirt and that seems to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. Louis finishes the boy off with a harsh kick to his ribs. Louis turns to Harry and grabs him by the waist tugging him out of the house.

Neither boys said a word.

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