Chapter 6

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"I usually don't drink that much if at all, I wasn't sure how I was gonna act but it wasn't like that" Harry laughs shaking his head and looking back over to Louis.

Louis has only been here a little over an hour, mainly their conversation was about last night but it has went to work then back to the party.

"I didn't even see you drink much, you must be a lightweight?" Louis smirks with a raised eyebrow.

"No!" Harry gasps crossing his arms over his chest "I'm not a lightweight thank you very much"

"Oh really? I saw you take 5 shots at most and you blacked out" Louis laughs loudly.

"Soooo? You didn't watch me all night, you don't know if I drank more" that couldn't have been any more false, Louis watched Harry the entire night, the boy only had 6 shots plus Niall's drink. Louis just couldn't let Harry know that.

"Fine fine. Fair enough" Louis holds his hands up in defense, his huge grin never falling.

"Yanno, you're actually not that bad" Harry turns his body to fully face Louis, resting his arm on the back of the couch. "You always seemed like a cocky snob- but I guess I can give you a shot"

"A shot?" Louis laughs raising an eyebrow

"Yes a shot, maybe we can be friends like you wanted?" Harry smiles, resting his cheek against his arm that was laying on the couch.

"Oh how kind of you" Louis gasps sarcastically, locking his hands in front oh himself.

"Oh it's nothing" Harry giggles and playfully waves Louis off.

After moments of surprisedly no awkward silence, little noises were leaving Harry's lips and he was fast asleep. Louis pulled his attention away from his phone to watch his baby, frowning at his position.

"My goodness, clumsy boy always sleeping weird" Louis stands you and gently adjust Harry's body so he was resting on his stomach, facing the couch. Louis sits back down and carefully placed Harry's head on his lap, carding his fingers through the curls.

"You're so perfect" Louis hums, admiring his sleeping beauty beneath him "my pretty little boy" he leans down and pecks Harry's cherry red lips.

"Oh shh my baby, go on back to sleep. I'm right here" Louis whispers once Harry moves around only a little bit.

Louis soon found himself squeezing Harry's body between his own and the back of the couch. Harry immediately tucks his face in the elder ones neck, their legs slot together and Louis was in heaven right now. He was able to hold his baby, cuddle him, Louis waited so long and he's finally here.

The boys slept a lot longer than either realized, Harry figured out just as much when he woke up to his phone off for what seemed like the 100th time. He opens his eyes and is a little confused when he wakes up and his face is in his coworkers chest. He grumbles under his breath and reaches across Louis grabbing his phone, he casually lays across Louis stomach while he clicks his phone back on to show his notifications.

"Fuck" Harry curses when he realizes he was almost two hours late for work. He quickly sits up and shakes Louis whos eyes grow wide and he jumps up a little bit, his first instinct was the grab Harry.

"What? Everything okay?" His sleep voice wasn't what Harry was expecting, even made him a little woozy.

"We both had work at 6, it's almost 8!" Harry exclaims and rushes to get up but Louis huffs and pulls him back down, heading his head.

"We can call out, stay here a little longer" Louis holds Harry tightly, Harry squirms and giggles pushing away.

"We cant call out, come on" Harry huffs and grabs the older boys hand tugging him, thankful Louis didn't fight him.

"My uniform isn't even here, it's a sign!" Louis shrugs and follows Harry up the stairs into his bedroom and then he was rushing to find his usual work uniform.

"We can go get it? Can you please call and tell them we're coming?" Harry tosses the pieces of his uniform onto his bed, raising an eyebrow at Louis who wasn't doing anything.

"You're serious?" Harry's only answer is a quick nod "fine, wait for you downstairs" Louis grumbles and pulls out his phone to call his job on the way downstairs.


Harry sighs as he continued to reach for something that was on the highest shelf. He knew he was too short but it was better than asking the other cook who was sadly one of the managers tonight, normally Louis and a manager are never scheduled together because Louis just can't get along with anyone telling him what to do.

After finally having enough, Harry's grabs a chair and jumps to stand on it before climbing up onto the top shelf, why they feel the need to store food so high, he will never understand.

"Harry!" His manger, Rob, calls out when he finds the boy on top of the not so sturdy shelf.

"I couldn't reach it and-"

"Then you should've asked for help, what the h.ell made you think you could climb the damn shelves?" Rob sighs, placing his hands in his hips "I would hate if Austin found out about this"

"No no, please" Austin was Louis' father also the owner of the restaurant and Harry couldn't afford to lose this job.

"I don't think he would appreciate his employees crawling on shelves" Rob clicks his tongue before turning and walking away apon hearing there was an order. Harry grabs what he needs and places them on a lower after climbing back down.

He tosses his apron on the desk before rushing out to the back, the tears soon falling. He was just a sensitive boy and couldn't help it. Harry leaned against the wall, hands in face while trying to calm himself down. Rob was such an

Harry jumps when the back door opens and Louis' voice was soon ringing in his ears.

"Harry?" Louis questioned whether he noticed how he was slumped over. He felt his face grow hot when the younger one finally looks up, his face was red and all blotchy.

"What the f.uck" Louis hisses and steps closer, cupping Harry's face "what happened? Who the h.ell made you cry?" Louis wipes Harry cheeks, trying to ignore the anger that was quickly feeling his veins. Someone actually had the audacity to make his baby cry.

"Rob. I couldn't r-reach something but I climbed the shelves but h-he caught me and said that he was gonna tell your dad- I lose this job Lou! I can't" Harry sobbed, Louis quickly pulls the boy in his arms shushing him down, kissing his temple.

"Rob did this?" Louis growls, squeezing Harry who only nods not seeing any harm in what he just told Louis.

"Don't worry angel, I'll fix it" at least Harry won't have to deal with Rob anymore.


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