Chapter 7

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"Have you seen Louis' he was suppose take all the trash out" Robs walks up to Harry with a sigh. Harry turns for a moment.

"I don't know, think I saw him go out back" And with that Harry went right back to cleaning the grill.

Rob quickly made his way to the back, swinging open the back door, his eyes searching for his employee.

"Come on, Louis. No time for games, I'd hate to tell your father-"

Within a blink of an eye Rob was being held against the wall with something sharp pressed against his throat, he could only assume it was a knife. Rob opened his mouth to speak but Louis cuts him off.

"It's not nice to make people cry, Rob" Louis starts, pressing the blade deeper into his skin "especially when the person you make cry is my boy"

"What are-"

"Hush. You made Harry cry and I don't appreciate it. You even threatened his job, really? You know how much he loves this place" Louis laughs coldly shaking his head, Rob just watched in terror, his body was completely froze.

"You're gonna apologize to him, tonight. It's not an option or I swear to god on everything that is good in this world, I will make sure you're never able to make another person dry" Louis presses the knife a bit harder, Rob hisses as he breaks some of his skin, trickles of blood rolling down his neck.

"O-okay, I'll apologize!" Rob exclaims, wincing a bit when Louis releases some pressure he had on the knife.

"Good" Louis wipes his knife on Robs black apron before slipping it back into his pocket before making his way inside.

"Oh an another thing" he turns to face a still fear stunned Rob "Don't let anyone find out about our little conversation, especially Harry. Now clean yourself up and apologize" Louis finally walks back inside and Rob lets out a huge breath before he places his hand over his throat, a little relieved when there was a very small amount of blood. He manages to sneak past Harry and make it to the bathroom to clean it up a little better.

"Ready to go?" Louis walks around the corner, sitting his and Harrys things on the front counter. Harry sighs loudly and nods, tossing his apron into the dirty bin.

"Harry, Wait" Rob soon calls out running through the lobby to catch the two boys. Harry frowns and turns to face his manager, mentally preparing for the yelling.

"I'm sorry for earlier" Rob gives a weak smile, attempting to ignore Louis' death glare from behind Harry.

"Huh?" Harry gasps, his green eyes widening in shock. Not what he expected.

"Earlier. I'm really sorry, I was just stressed over the rush we had just finished. I won't be telling Austin anything" Rob holds out his hands to a stunned Harry "are we okay?"

"Y-yeah, it's okay" Harry nods and shakes his bosses hand, trying to wrap his head around what just happened. Louis was smiling wide as he watched Harry accept the apology, Rob shouldn't have gotten away this easy but Harry is not the confrontational type, the thought alone could send him into an anxiety attack.

Louis wraps his arm around Harry's shoulder leading them to his car.

"That was..strange" Harry scrunches his face, glancing back at Rob who was watching the two until Louis decided to have a peak.

"Very" is all Louis says helping Harry in the car before getting in himself.

"Thank you for comforting me, it meant a lot" Harry gives a small smile, placing his hand on Louis' thigh.

"Of course" Louis smiles back and begins the journey to Harry's house.

"I'm kind of sensitive and struggle to handle people screaming at me" Harry blushes in embarrassment, Louis shakes his head and squeezes Harrys hand that was still resting on his thigh.

"You're not too sensitive, people just need to be nicer, yeah?" Louis was such a hypocrite, he believed way too many people were sensitive, but this was Harry, his baby. Louis didn't care for a small lie if it meant Harry was happy.

"I guess" Harry shrugs with a shy smile "hey, Uh. I'm off this Friday. Wanna hang out?" Louis felt like his heart was going to burst, Harry making the first move wasn't the exact plan but it'll still work.

"Friday? Of course, what would you like to do?" Louis turns into Harry's street, going a little slower than needed, he needed a little more time with Harry.

"Uh, well my place? I don't really have the money to go out- I have to help mum with bills"

"That would be lovely, but I hope you don't mind a dinner and a movie cause you're getting that also Friday night" Louis grins proudly, not because of his money but because he knew it would make Harry happy.

"Lou I don't have mon-"

"Really? because I don't remembering asking in the first place" Louis gives Harry a smug smirk, Harry turns a bright red and looks back out the window frowning when he realized his mum still wasn't home.

Probably a late shift..again.

"Thanks for letting me ride with you" The older boy reaches over and squeezes Harry's thigh, waving it off.

"No problem. Got the ten in gas money?" Harry's eyes go wide and he quickly reaches through his bag for a ten dollar bill.

Louis watches in amusement before starting to drive right past Harry's house. Harry continues to frantically search but sadly all his spare cash is hidden away.

"What are you doing?" Harry watches Louis turn around at the end of his road before heading back towards his house.

"Wanted to watch you panic over ten dollars a little longer" Louis snickers as he pulls back into the driveway.


"I was joking about the gas money, Hazza" Harry nods slowly putting everything he pulled out back into his bag, slipping on his jacket.

"Right. Right" Harry frowns a bit when he notices Louis was still laughing.

"That's not funny!" He huffs unbuckling himself

"Oh, sweet boy, it was funny, very funny" Harry bites his lip before leaning over the consul and pressing his lips to a laughing Louis' cheek which made him go silent.

"I still don't like you, Tomlinson" and with that, Louis' giggling boy ran into his house.

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